8 English Synonyms for BEEF
Definition: 1. The flesh or meat of an ox or similar bovine; beef
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Definition: 1. (uncountable) The flesh (muscle tissue) of an animal used as food. [from 14th c.]
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Definition: 1. (slang, transitive) To strengthen or reinforce; to add substance to. [1941]
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Definition: 1. (figuratively, transitive) To emit (fumes, gases, etc.).
There are 7 definitions of the word fart
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Definition: 1. Certain other livestock, such as sheep, pigs or horses.
There are 6 definitions of the word cattle
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Definition: 1. A domesticated bovine animal (cow, bull, steer etc).
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Definition: 1. (archaic, regional) A domesticated bovine animal (cow, bull, steer etc).
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