8 English Synonyms for BLOCKAGE
Definition: 1. The act of something collapsing or caving in.
There are 5 definitions of the word cave in
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Definition: 1. The insertion or intercalation of days into the calendar in order to correct the error arising from the difference between the civil year and the solar year.
There are 4 definitions of the word embolism
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Definition: 1. (medicine) An embolism caused by a blood clot carried in the bloodstream from its place of origin.
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Definition: 1. The act of obstructing, or state of being obstructed.
There are 3 definitions of the word obstruction
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Definition: 1. The process of occluding, or something that occludes.
There are 7 definitions of the word occlusion
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Definition: 1. A substantial, often approximately cuboid, piece of any substance.
There are 28 definitions of the word block
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Definition: 1. (pathology) The formation of thrombi in the blood vessels of a living organism, causing obstruction of the circulation.
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Definition: 1. The act of crowding anything into a lesser space, or the state of being crowded or pressed together; condensation.
There are 2 definitions of the word constipation
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