10 English Synonyms for BUST
Definition: 1. A cyclone whose central pressure drops at an average rate of at least one millibar per hour for at least 24 hours.
There are 18 definitions of the word bomb
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Definition: 1. A complete failure, especially in the entertainment industry.
There are 20 definitions of the word flop
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Definition: 1. (ambitransitive) To damage beyond use or repair.
There are 9 definitions of the word destroy
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Definition: 1. (slang, British, Australian) Penniless, poor, impecunious, broke.
There are 2 definitions of the word skint
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Definition: 1. A small cut in a surface.
There are 13 definitions of the word nick
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Definition: 1. To terminate the execution of a program before normal completion.
There are 68 definitions of the word break
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Definition: 1. To be wanting; to fall short; to be or become deficient in any measure or degree up to total absence.
There are 22 definitions of the word fail
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Definition: 1. The cock of a gunlock.
There are 8 definitions of the word nab
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Definition: 1. A burst, split, or break.
There are 6 definitions of the word rupture
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Definition: 1. (idiomatic, slang, vulgar) To ejaculate.
There are 2 definitions of the word bust a nut
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