6 English Synonyms for CONNIVE
Definition: 1. To deliberately not listen or pay attention to.
There are 4 definitions of the word ignore
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Definition: 1. An act of winking (a blinking of only one eye), or a message sent by winking.
There are 13 definitions of the word wink
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Definition: 1. (intransitive) To practise deception by concealment or omission, or by feigning a false appearance.
There are 4 definitions of the word dissimulate
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Definition: 1. (idiomatic) To ignore something wrong; to connive (at), to turn a blind eye.
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Definition: 1. (idiomatic) To ignore or deliberately overlook.
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Definition: 1. (idiomatic) To ignore or deliberately overlook, especially with respect to something unpleasant or improper, to look the other way. To knowingly refuse to acknowledge something which you know to be real.
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