5 English Synonyms for DASSIE
Definition: 1. Any of several small, paenungulate herbivorous mammals of the order Hyracoidea, with a bulky frame and fang-like incisors, native to Africa and the Middle East.
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Definition: 1. A guinea pig-like, but larger, animal (Procavia capensis), native to much of Africa, the Middle East and the Arabian peninsula.
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Definition: 1. The Procavia capensis. A mammal with a rodent-like appearance, but not closely related, related instead to the elephant, found in Africa and the Middle East.
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Definition: 1. The Procavia capensis. A mammal with a rodent-like appearance, but not closely related, related instead to the elephant, found in Africa and the Middle East.
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Definition: 1. The Procavia capensis. A mammal with a rodent-like appearance, but not closely related, related instead to the elephant, found in Africa and the Middle East.
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