10 English Synonyms for JOINTFIR
Definition: 1. Any plant of the genus Ephedra of gymnosperm shrubs.
There are 2 definitions of the word ephedra
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Definition: 1. Any of the North American conifers in the genus Ephedra, leafless shrubs with gray or green needle-like smaller stems native to deserts and used to make an herbal tea
Show more information about Mormon tea
Definition: 1. A leafless desert shrub of the US Southwest in the genus Ephedra, used to make an herbal tea
Show more information about Brigham tea
Definition: 1. A leafless desert shrub of the US Southwest in the genus Ephedra, used to make an herbal tea
Show more information about cowboy tea
Definition: 1. A leafless desert shrub of the US Southwest in the genus Ephedra, used to make an herbal tea
Show more information about desert tea
Definition: 1. (nowoffensive) A leafless desert shrub of the US Southwest in the genus Ephedra, used to make an herbal tea
Show more information about squaw tea
Definition: 1. A leafless desert shrub of the US Southwest in the genus Ephedra, usually Ephedra trifurca, used to make an herbal tea
There are 2 definitions of the word Mexican tea
Show more information about Mexican tea
Definition: 1. A leafless desert shrub of the US Southwest in the genus Ephedra, used to make an herbal tea
Show more information about teamster tea
Definition: 1. A leafless desert shrub of the US Southwest in the genus Ephedra, used to make an herbal tea
Show more information about popotillo
Definition: 1. Any plant in the genus Ephedra.
There are 3 definitions of the word joint pine
Show more information about joint pine
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