14 English Synonyms for KILLJOY
Definition: 1. Someone who puts an end to others' fun, especially harmless fun.
There are 2 definitions of the word spoilsport
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Definition: 1. A grouch or killjoy.
There are 2 definitions of the word grinch
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Definition: 1. (slang) Something that or someone who spoils an otherwise enjoyable event.
There are 2 definitions of the word buzzkill
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Definition: 1. One who is unhappy, or extols being miserable as a virtue; a philosopher of pessimism.
There are 2 definitions of the word miserabilist
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Definition: 1. A device that moistens or dampens something.
There are 2 definitions of the word dampener
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Definition: 1. (informal) One who dampens fun; especially, one who declines to participate in or enjoy a party or some other group activity; one who does not agree with the opinions of a group.
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Definition: 1. (idiomatic) A person who takes the fun out of a situation or activity, as by pessimism, demands, dullness, etc.
There are 3 definitions of the word wet blanket
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Definition: 1. (obsolete) A lout or similar disruptive person.
There are 4 definitions of the word wowser
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Definition: 1. A livestock animal that has collapsed.
There are 6 definitions of the word downer
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Definition: 1. (idiomatic, pejorative) A person unwilling to participate in activities; a curmudgeon or party pooper.
There are 2 definitions of the word stick in the mud
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Definition: 1. (figurative, informal, derogatory) Someone who or something that takes the fun out of life; a killjoy.
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Definition: 1. killjoy (Someone or something that hinders fun.)
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Definition: 1. (Irish, Northern England) Something or someone that spoils an otherwise enjoyable event.
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Definition: 1. (informal) A metaphorical police force imagined to prevent others from having fun.
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