10 English Synonyms for PRAT
Definition: 1. (pejorative) A person who is deficient in intelligence.
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Definition: 1. Vaccinium erythrocarpum, the southern mountain cranberry.
There are 4 definitions of the word dingleberry
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Definition: 1. Buddy, dude, man.
There are 14 definitions of the word fool
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Definition: 1. (pejorative) Alternative spelling of numskull.
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Definition: 1. (pejorative, vulgar, slang) A very stupid person.
There are 2 definitions of the word fuckwit
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Definition: 1. (informal) A scatterbrained or stupid person.
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Definition: 1. A person wanting or lacking wit or sense; a fool.
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Definition: 1. (informal) A person who is slow-witted or stupid.
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