11 English Synonyms for ROTATION
Definition: 1. The shaping of wood or metal on a lathe.
There are 6 definitions of the word turning
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Definition: 1. The removal and replacement of a government, especially by sudden violent action.
There are 8 definitions of the word revolution
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Definition: 1. (UK) A schedule that allocates some task, responsibility or (rarely) privilege between a set of people according to a (possibly periodic) calendar.
There are 7 definitions of the word rota
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Definition: 1. A list of individuals or groups, usually for an organization of some kind such as military officers and enlisted personnel enrolled in a particular unit; a muster roll; a sports team, with the names of players who are eligible to be placed in the lineup for a particular game; or a list of students officially enrolled in a school or class.
There are 6 definitions of the word roster
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Definition: 1. A schedule of tasks assigned to members of a team
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Definition: 1. A serial record of items, systematically arranged.
There are 11 definitions of the word schedule
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Definition: 1. To undergo the process of turning on a lathe.
There are 32 definitions of the word turn
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Definition: 1. By equal alternating periods of service or duty; by turns.
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Definition: 1. That undergoes a cyclic motion or process
There are 5 definitions of the word cycling
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Definition: 1. A numeric character.
There are 16 definitions of the word cipher
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Definition: 1. Through a rotation or revolution that ends at the starting point.
There are 5 definitions of the word full circle
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