7 English Synonyms for SADDLE
Definition: 1. (biology) A glandular swelling in the epidermis of some annelid worms; it secretes a viscous fluid in which the eggs are deposited.
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Definition: 1. A shoe, resembling an oxford, which has a saddle of a leather or colour different from the rest of the shoe.
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Definition: 1. (geometry) A point in the range of a smooth function, every neighbourhood of which contains points on each side of its tangent plane.
There are 2 definitions of the word saddle point
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Definition: 1. A medium brown colour, like that of a saddle.
There are 2 definitions of the word saddle brown
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Definition: 1. The part of a harness which supports the weight of poles or shafts attaching a vehicle to a horse or other animal.
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Definition: 1. A mineral deposit associated with the crest of an anticlinal fold and following the bedding planes, usually found in vertical succession, especially the gold-bearing quartz veins of Australia.
There are 3 definitions of the word saddle reef
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