5 English Synonyms for SAMMO
Definition: 1. The primary language spoken in the Central African Republic: it has 5 million second-language speakers, but only 400,000 native speakers, mainly in the towns.
There are 3 definitions of the word sango
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Definition: 1. (Australia, informal, colloquial) A sandwich. [From 1960s.]
There are 4 definitions of the word sanger
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Definition: 1. (derogatory) A black person, especially one who is accommodating or servile towards whites; an Uncle Tom.
There are 6 definitions of the word sambo
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Definition: 1. Synonym of Samoyed (breed of dog)
There are 4 definitions of the word sammie
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Definition: 1. (British, informal) A sandwich.
There are 2 definitions of the word sarnie
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