14 English Synonyms for SPLASHER
Definition: 1. A small amount of liquid.
There are 21 definitions of the word splash
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Definition: 1. Alternative form of shank ("knife").
There are 2 definitions of the word nank
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Definition: 1. The part of the leg between the knee and the ankle.
There are 28 definitions of the word shank
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Definition: 1. Describing the reproduction of sound that overemphasizes low-frequency sounds.
There are 2 definitions of the word bassy
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Definition: 1. An American variety of apple with a greenish-yellow skin, mottled and striped with dull red.
There are 5 definitions of the word rambo
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Definition: 1. of small volume, cramped (of a room, house)
There are 5 definitions of the word pokey
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Definition: 1. A kind of duck, the pochard.
There are 11 definitions of the word poker
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Definition: 1. A person or device that cuts (in various senses).
There are 18 definitions of the word cutter
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Definition: 1. A tool used for drilling.
There are 8 definitions of the word borer
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Definition: 1. A quick movement to evade something.
There are 9 definitions of the word jook
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Definition: 1. A splasher (cover to prevent splashes)
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