11 English Synonyms for TRUNK
Definition: 1. The stock of a family; a race or generation of progenitors.
There are 31 definitions of the word stem
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Definition: 1. A heavy shoe that covers part of the leg.
There are 43 definitions of the word boot
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Definition: 1. A detachable shirt front, collar or bib.
There are 17 definitions of the word dicky
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Definition: 1. The main structural member of a tree.
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Definition: 1. (anatomy) An elongated tube from the head or connected to the mouth, of an animal.
There are 2 definitions of the word proboscis
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Definition: 1. A plant with simple stems, like bamboo or sugar cane, or the stem thereof
There are 13 definitions of the word cane
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Definition: 1. The main part of the (human) body that extends from the neck to the groin, excluding the head and limbs.
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Definition: 1. A box, now usually a large strong box with a secure convex lid.
There are 12 definitions of the word chest
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Definition: 1. The trunk or stem of a tree.
There are 12 definitions of the word bole
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