3 English Synonyms for VOCALIZATION
Definition: 1. (linguistics) In Arabic and Hebrew - supplying the vowels (diacritics), normally not written to show the correct pronunciation, used in dictionaries, children's books, religious texts and textbooks for learners. Arabic terms: tashkiil (تشكيل), taHriik (تحريك) - (action of supplying the vowel points), also known as ḥarakāt (حركات — the singular is ḥaraka حركة) - (the diacritical marks), Hebrew term: ניקוד nikud.
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Definition: 1. vowelization, vocalization or diacritization—the various diacritics, taken collectively, that are attached to Arabic letters in certain styles of writing and that indicate such features as vowels and gemination (consonant doubling) and absence of any vowels.
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Definition: 1. The system of optional diacritics attached to Hebrew letters that indicate vowels and consonant variations.
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