Definition & Meaning | English word ALTGR
Definitions of ALTGR
- (computing) Alternative spelling of Alt Gr.
Number of letters
Is palindrome
Examples of Using ALTGR in a Sentence
- Additionally, because the Super key historically serves in several Unix programs as an application-specific command key/modifier, Unix desktops often differentiate usage of the left and right Super keys, with the user choosing which side they prefer to activate the desktop main menu and which they prefer to use for program-specific commands, in a manner similar to the differentiation between the Alt and AltGr keys.
- It recommends the function only to be invoked when it is pressed simultaneously with the Control key, while otherwise it acts as a “left AltGr key”, thus enabling touch typists to access all key combinations using AltGr without using two fingers of the same hand, which is considered to be an ergonomic advantage.
- An established method was to configure the rightAlt key as an AltGr key and to use it in combination with a Latin base letter to obtain the equivalent precomposed character (accented form of the letter).
- According to SFS 5966, the non-breaking space can be entered with the key combination AltGr + Space.
- Most operating systems support extended keyboard mapping the facility to increase the repertoire of characters available using techniques such as Alternate graphic ("AltGr") that gives a third and fourth meaning to every key; Compose key (sometimes called multi key), a key on a computer keyboard that indicates that the following (usually 2 or more) keystrokes trigger the insertion of an alternate character, typically a precomposed character or a symbol; dead keys typically used to attach a specific diacritic to a base letter; or indeed combinations of these.
- the presence and placement of one or two Alt keys, an AltGr key or Option key, a backspace or delete key, a control key or command key, a compose key, an Esc key, and OS-specific keys like the Windows key.
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