Definition, Meaning & Synonyms | English word APPENDICULAR


Definitions of APPENDICULAR

  1. Of or pertaining to a limb or appendage.
  2. Of or pertaining to the appendix.


Number of letters


Is palindrome







Examples of Using APPENDICULAR in a Sentence

  • The appendicular skeleton, which is attached to the axial skeleton, is formed by the shoulder girdle, the pelvic girdle and the bones of the upper and lower limbs.
  • These vertebrates are characterised by prominent muscular limb buds (lobes) within their fins, which are supported by articulated appendicular skeletons.
  • The appendicular skeleton is the portion of the vertebrate endoskeleton consisting of the bones and cartilages that support the paired appendages (fins, flippers or limbs).
  • Using the work of Von den Driesch, all chosen anatomical features of appendicular elements' anatomical features which were chosen, besides molars, were measured to distinguish between taxa that had close relationships, and see morphometric changes over ages, though not for pigs or deer.
  • Commonly reported symptoms are initial truncal hypotonia, subsequent appendicular hypertonia, bradykinesia, cogwheel rigidity, generalized dystonia, and marked diurnal fluctuation.
  • The IVPP sent Youling Su to conduct the excavation in Changshou, the crew finding eleven vertebrae and several appendicular elements (IVPP V930).
  • The postcranium encompasses the axial skeleton, which includes the entirety of the vertebrae and ribs, and the appendicular skeleton, which includes girdles and limbs.
  • The appendicular artery, also known as the appendiceal artery, commonly arises from the terminal branch of the ileocolic artery, or less commonly from the posterior cecal artery or an ileal artery.
  • A detailed radiographic examination of the axial and appendicular skeleton is invaluable for the differential diagnosis of Pseudoachondroplasia.
  • amarali have been found close to eggs, eggshells and coprolites to date: UFRJ DG 50-R (holotype): a partially complete and articulated skeleton, including a nearly complete skull and partially preserved axial and appendicular skeletons.
  • The limbs' bony endoskeleton, known as the appendicular skeleton, is homologous among all tetrapods, who use their limbs for walking, running and jumping, swimming, climbing, grasping, touching and striking.
  • The ileocolic artery of the superior mesenteric artery branches off into the ascending colic artery, the anterior and posterior cecal arteries, the appendicular artery, and the ileal branches.
  • With the pachyostosis of the postcrania elements and restricted movement at the appendicular joints, it has been suggested that mesosaurs could not have walked on land, but may have been able to push themselves across terrestrial substrates.
  • Parts of the appendicular skeleton (limbs, hips, and shoulder bones) are preserved in Echinerpeton specimens, including the interclavicle, scapula (shoulder blade), the lower portion of the humerus (upper arm bone), the ilium (a hip bone), the upper portion of the femur (upper leg bone), the tibia and fibula (lower leg bones), astragalus and calcaneum (ankle bones), and metatarsals (foot bones).
  • These include derived traits seen in the vertebrae (such as hyposphenes that are as deep as the neural canal and mid-cervical neural spines that are less than twice as long as high) as well as the appendicular skeleton (such as the position of the fourth trochanter over the midlength of the femur and an adult femur length exceeding 600 mm).
  • Axial osteomalacia is a rare osteosclerotic disorder characterized by axial skeleton pain, coarsening of the trabecular bone pattern on radiographs of the axial but not appendicular skeleton.

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