Definition & Meaning | English word ARENOSOLS
Definitions of ARENOSOLS
- plural of arenosol.
Number of letters
Is palindrome
Examples of Using ARENOSOLS in a Sentence
- It is characterized by its sandy soils, washed to moderately washed, predominantly yellow to greyish-brown, whether in the inland sandy cover (Ferralic Arenosols) or in the coastal sandy dunes (Haplic Arenosols), and also by the soils of the strip of coastal sandstone, from sandy to loam sandy clay loam with orange color (Ferralic Arenosols).
- Because of the diversity of their properties, suborders of entisols form individual Reference Soil Groups in the World Reference Base for Soil Resources (WRB): psamments correlate with arenosols, and fluvents with fluvisols.
- The most common types of soils in Chad include Leptosols, Regosols, and Arenosols in the central and northern regions, and Fluvisols, Plinthosols, Planosols, Solonchaks, and Vertisols in the southern region.
- They are: Anthroposols, Arenosols, Calcarosols, Chromosols, Dermosols, Ferrosols, Hydrosols, Kandosols, Kurosols, Organosols, Podosols, Rudosols, Sodosols, Tenosols and Vertosols.
- It is characterized by its sandy soils, washed to moderately washed, predominantly yellow to greyish-brown, whether in the inland sandy cover (Ferralic Arenosols) or in the coastal sandy dunes (Haplic Arenosols), and also by the soils of the strip of coastal sandstone, from sandy to loam sandy clay loam with orange color (Ferralic Arenosols).
- Excluded from the Regosols are weakly developed soils that classify as Leptosols (very shallow soils), Arenosols (sandy soils) or Fluvisols (in recent alluvial deposits).
- Unconsolidated psamment deposits (also known as arenosols) occupy a section of the west and center of the country along with soils grouped under the FAO ferralsol classification of iron and aluminium-rich soils.
- Soils are of vertisols and arenosols types associated with solonchaks with silty to sandy related texture.
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