Definition, Meaning, Synonyms & Anagrams | English word DEMINING


Definitions of DEMINING

  1. The process of removing and neutralizing mines.
  2. inflection of demine



Number of letters


Is palindrome




Examples of Using DEMINING in a Sentence

  • A mine roller or mine trawl is a demining device mounted on a tank or armoured personnel carrier, designed to detonate anti-tank mines.
  • On June 24, 2024, Izz Adin al-Qassam Brigades published footage of its forces targeting an Israeli Defence Force Namer APC engineering variant equipped with an CARPET thermobaric demining system using an HJ-8, which directly hit the vehicle from the rear and set off an exterior fire which then spread inside.
  • Following the end of the war in June 1999, Çeku oversaw the demilitarisation of the KLA and its transformation into the Kosovo Protection Corps (KPC), an ostensibly civilian organization charged with disaster response, demining, search and response and humanitarian projects.
  • Humanitarian demining aims to reduce risk for deminers and civilians as much as possible by removing (ideally) all landmines and demining work can usually be temporarily halted if unfavorable circumstances arise.
  • However, it is often the case that minimum metal mines are also planted in the same minefield, which complicates the demining process.
  • DRC is also active in the fields of demining and logistics and reconstruction work for various international agencies such as the United Nations World Food Program (WFP) and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).
  • In 1996 the Parliament of Croatia enacted the Demining Act, tasking police with its organization and the government-owned AKD Mungos company with the demining itself.
  • The M58 mine-clearing line charge (MICLIC) is a rocket-projected mine-clearing line charge used to provide a "close-in" demining capability for maneuver forces of the United States Army and Marine Corps.
  • Danish Demining Group (DDG) was established in 1997 and today functions as a humanitarian mine action unit within the Danish Refugee Council (DRC), hence benefiting from synergies in cooperation.
  • In 2008 with the help of Landmine Relief Fund, an American charity, and the Vietnam Veterans Mine Clearing Team – Cambodia, an Australian veterans group, he obtained full certification as a deminer and established a new NGO, Cambodian Self Help Demining (CSHD).
  • The small pressure plate area of the fuzes make the mine resistant to overpressure from explosive demining techniques.
  • SF may be given other missions including warfare and support, combat search and rescue (CSAR), security assistance, peacekeeping, humanitarian assistance, humanitarian demining and counter-drug operations; other USSOCOM units or other U.
  • The demining of the Danish Westcoast was in 2015 problematized in the Danish movie "Land of Mine", in which the conditions for the German soldiers, who demined the Danish westcoast following WW2 were described.
  • On June 24, 2024, Al-Qassam Brigades published footage of its forces attacking a Namer using a Chinese HJ-8 ATGM, hitting the vehicle, causing an external fire on the carry-on CARPET demining system.
  • In 2018, after several years of postponing the project, an Ecuadorian inter-institutional team traveled to Pijuayal to establish the boundaries of the land where the first CECONA would work, according to authorities from the Foreign Ministry, Ministry of Defense and Military Geographic Institute of Ecuador, prior to the Cabinet Binational and Presidential Meeting between Lenín Moreno and Martín Vizcarra held in Quito on October 25 and 26 of that year, where in addition to highlighting the delimitation of boundaries, other border integration projects were reviewed, such as the final demining of the old undelimited areas, and the Puyango-Tumbes binational irrigation project.
  • The co-organizers include the Geneva Centre for Security Policy, the Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces, the Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining, the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, the Center for Security Studies (CSS) and its International Relations and Security Network at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, as well as the PfP Consortium of Defence Academies and Security Studies Institutes.
  • The products range from the armoured recovery vehicle (ARV) with a 30-tonne crane to the armoured engineer vehicle (AEV) with articulated arm excavator and the demining tank (MC).
  • The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) in 2013 reviewed the work of the Danish Demining Group (DDG) in Afghanistan, assessing positively the progress made in gender mainstreaming, in terms of the collection of disaggregated qualitative and quantitative data, in spite of some cultural limitations.

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