Definition & Meaning | English word EMARGINATE
Definitions of EMARGINATE
- To marginalize.
- (botany, of leaves) With the outline of the margin more or less concave in places, usually at the apex.
- (botany, mycology) Having roughly the same height or width for most of its length, becoming much shallower or narrower before reaching the attachment point.
- (zoology, anatomy) Having a margin that has concave edges as though with parts removed or notched.
- (mineralogy) Of a crystal: having edges or corners of the primitive form beveled, crossed by a face.
- (transitive) To take away the margin of.
- (intransitive) To lose the margin.
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Examples of Using EMARGINATE in a Sentence
- Barkudia insularis has the snout depressed, obtusely pointed, projecting strongly beyond the labial margin; rostral large, emarginate laterally to receive the nasal shield; supranasals large, in contact with one another and with the first labial; fronto-nasal broader than long, larger than the frontal; interparietal much larger than the frontal; parietals narrow, obliquely placed, in contact with one another behind it; 3 supraoculars, the first entering the supraciliary margin, the first two in contact with the frontal; 1 large supraciliary in the angle formed by the 3 suboculars; nasal shield comparatively large, the nostril at its anterior extremity; 1 large loreal; a preocular; lower eyelid composed of 2 or 3 opaque scales; upper eyelid vestigial; 4 supralabials, the third below the eye; ear-opening minute; a singly azygous postmental; body elongate with 140 ventral scales between the post-mental and pre-anal plates; 20 smooth scales round the mid body.
- Underside: white with the following black markings: On forewing a short, outwardly-pointed, oblique, clavate (club-shaped) streak from base joined below to a semi-circular broad band that reaches the costa; a short, outwardly oblique, upper discal bar, its outer edge generally emarginate; the apex, the termen narrowly, a large irregular sub-quadrate spot touching it in the middle and a very large inwardly oblique irregular spot or mark close to the tornus.
- Male upperside: black forewing with the following greenish or bluish-white streaks and spots: Cell with three transverse, very oblique, broad streaks and two elongate spots near apex; in the type as described the outer two of the three streaks coalescent; broad streaks from base in interspaces la to 3; a series of four rounded spots beyond apex of coll in interspaces 4, 5, 6 and 8, followed by five short streaks that are outwardly truncate or emarginate, in interspaces 4 to 8; lastly, a complete subterminal series of comparatively large rounded spots.
- chlorostigma is a member of a species complex comprising three species which are characterised by having a truncate or emarginate caudal fin, a body covered in dense spotting apart from their underparts, a slightly angular preopercle with slightly enlarged serrations at the angle, a straight upper edge to the gill cover and a similar count of gill rakers.
- The lid is suborbicular, truncate or slightly emarginate, and rounded or slightly cordate at the base.
- The margins become entire with age, and the tip is most commonly truncate or emarginate, but can be acute or mucronate.
- Forewing: costa more or less arched, sometimes very strongly so; apical portion more or less produced, sometimes very prominent, with a strong projection on the hind margin at the extremity of the first discoidal nervule; hind margin always more or less dentate and emarginate, with, in many species, a considerable projection at extremity of third median nervule; inner margin nearly straight, or slightly emarginate about centre; discoidal cell generally closed by a slender nervule.
- The calyx is silky, without bractlets; its upper labium with a protuberant basis, is integral or weakly emarginate, the lower one is integral, almost twice longer than upper.
- caucanus has whiskerlike odontodes on the corners of the snout in nuptial males and an emarginate caudal fin, while L.
- The leaf shape is elliptic ovate to obovate or spathulate, with cuneate or attenuate base and blunt or emarginate apex.
- Features that help to distinguish it form other species of Campylospermum include 6–14 cm long inflorescences; a few groups of flowers congested along the inflorescence branches; pedicel's basal portion below articulation is 1mm or less; obovate petals with slightly emarginate apex and an auriculate base; the secondary nerves closely curved to the margin of the leaf, with submarginal vein occurring at irregular distances from the leaf margin.
- Leaves are simple, opposite and subopposite, aovate to aovate-elliptical, entire margin, wavy, above they are dark and glossy, below they are glaucous, obtuse to emarginate apex, obtuse to slightly subcordate base, the leaves are about 4–11 cm long and 1,5–5 cm wide, petioles very pubescent about 5–10 mm long.
- If Melbournopterus is a chelicerate, it is distinguished by its prosoma (head), which is bell-shaped and emarginate in front, with subrectangular compound eyes located posteriorly on the prosoma, which strongly converge anteriorly.
- The trilobate lip is adnate to the column to its apex: the lateral lobes irregularly obovate with erose to crenulate margins; the medial lobe smaller, deeply emarginate, divided in two at the apex, with a raised oblong yellow-green callus.
- The head is emarginate (having a notched tip or edge) from its posterior view and also rugose, along with the thorax and node (a segment between the mesosoma and gaster); these body parts are covered with large confluent punctures.
- The body whorl is large, tumid, and has a swollen base prolonged into a broad triangular lop-sided snout, which is not at all emarginate in front.
- The lower sterile floret of the lemma is ovate and is 1 length of a spikelet which is also emarginate, membranous and mucronate.
- Basidiocarps (fruit bodies) resemble those of the genus Tricholoma, with a dry fibrillose pileus and white to brown lamellae that have adnate to emarginate attachment and stain reddish when damaged, eventually turning black.
- Their antennae is a lamellate antennal club and has a head with anterior margins which are either semicircular or emarginate mesocoxae, strongly oblique.
- The female is similar to the male, but its last abdominal ventrite is not emarginate and is longer than its 4th; the pygidium is narrower than the male's, bearing a pair of foveae, which are 0.
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