Definition, Meaning, Synonyms & Anagrams | English word ENGRAFT
Definitions of ENGRAFT
- To insert, as a scion of one tree or plant into another, for the purpose of propagation; graft onto a plant
- To fix firmly into place
- (rare) Engrafted.
Number of letters
Is palindrome
Examples of Using ENGRAFT in a Sentence
- The goat gonads failed to engraft into the body, as they were simply placed within the human male testicle sac or the abdomen of women, near the ovaries.
- Although Sonnet 15 does not directly refer to procreation, the single-minded urgings in the previous sonnets, may suggest to the reader that procreation is intended in the last line: "I engraft you new".
- Flt1+/Flt4+ CPCs derived from iPSCs were shown to engraft into the adult myocardium and robustly differentiate into cardiomyocytes with phenotypic and electrophysiologic characteristics of adult cardiomyocytes.
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