Definition & Meaning | English word HYPHOMYCETES


Definitions of HYPHOMYCETES

  1. plural of hyphomycete.

Number of letters


Is palindrome




Examples of Using HYPHOMYCETES in a Sentence

  • It is a mitosporic fungus with asexual reproduction, which was formerly classified in the form class Hyphomycetes of the phylum Deuteromycota (also often called fungi imperfecti).
  • Dematiaceous hyphomycetes, with their dark-coloured mycelia, produce particularly attractive black zone lines when they colonise the areas occupied by two antagonistic basidiomycete individuals.
  • In his 1998 monograph on phytopathogenic Hyphomycetes, Uwe Braun suggests that Ramularia menthae should be considered a synonym to Ramularia lamii, but the name remains in use in the scientific literature, and is accepted as a valid species by Index Fungorum.
  • It is a mitosporic fungus with asexual reproduction, which was formerly classified in the form class Hyphomycetes of the form phylum Deuteromycota (also often called Fungi Imperfecti).
  • The genus Torula is defined as dematiaceous hyphomycetes, or more commonly, darkly pigmented fungi that grow slowly and reproduce asexually by conidia in string of beads-like chains.
  • It is a mitosporic fungus with asexual reproduction, which was formerly classified in the form class Hyphomycetes of the phylum Deuteromycota (also often called Fungi Imperfecti).
  • The two books have essential importance for the science of dematiaceous hyphomycetes (a diverse group of microfungi sometimes called black yeasts or black molds) in identification and taxonomy.
  • In 2016, phylogenetic analyses of DNA sequences from nuclear ribosomal and protein-coding loci support the placement of several perithecial ascomycetes and dematiaceous hyphomycetes from freshwater and terrestrial environments in two monophyletic clades closely related to the Savoryellales.
  • The sexual morphs of Savoryellaceae species have perithecial (spherical, cylindrical, or flask-shaped hollow) ascomata (fruiting body) with elongate necks, while the asexual morphs are dematiaceous (produce melanin in their cell walls, giving them a characteristic brown colour especially when grown on agar) hyphomycetes with semi-macronematous conidiophores (morphologically different conidiophore from the vegetative hyphae) and monoblastic (one primary germ layer) conidiogenous (producing conidia) cells.
  • The sexual morphs of Savoryellales species have perithecial (spherical, cylindrical, or flask-shaped hollow) ascomata (fruiting body) with elongate necks, while the asexual morphs are dematiaceous (produce melanin in their cell walls, giving them a characteristic brown colour especially when grown on agar) hyphomycetes with semi-macronematous conidiophores (morphologically different conidiophore from the vegetative hyphae) and monoblastic (one primary germ layer) conidiogenous (producing conidia) cells.
  • The three genera are closely related "hyphomycetes" making determination of the fossils affiliation hard, but based on the sclerotium, mycelium, and phragmospores, LePage et al considered it most similar to the living Alternaria padwickii.

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