Definition, Meaning & Anagrams | English word KOANS


Definitions of KOANS

  1. plural of koan.


Number of letters


Is palindrome






Examples of Using KOANS in a Sentence

  • The work was originally called Xuedou's Juko (ju, verse; ko, old koans) before its Blue Cliff Record title was attributed.
  • Zendo is a game of inductive logic designed by Kory Heath in which one player (the "Master") creates a rule for structures ("koans") to follow, and the other players (the "Students") try to discover it by building and studying various koans which follow or break the rule.
  • The common theme of the koans of the Wumen Guan and of Wumen's comments is the inquiry and introspection of dualistic conceptualization.
  • According to James Ishmael Ford, "Kapleau had completed about half of the Harada-Yasutani kōan curriculum, the koans in the Gateless Gate and the Blue Cliff Record," and was entitled to teach, but did not receive dharma transmission.
  • When asked why he had become a monk, Hakuin said that it was out of terror to fall into hell, to which Shōju replied "You're a self-centered rascal, aren't you!" Shōju assigned him a series of "hard-to-pass" koans.
  • Dahui Zonggao, the famous 12th-century popularizer of koans in Song dynasty China, wrote a collection of kōans with the Chinese title Zhengfa Yanzang (正法眼藏).
  • Dahui Zonggao, the famous 12th-century popularizer of koans in Song dynasty China, wrote a collection of kōans with the Chinese title Zhengfa Yanzang (正法眼藏).
  • There is no standard for measuring whether someone has completed their kōan training and many students who pass all kōans in the Kwan Um "12 Gates" are not nominated for inka.
  • After studying koans with Hakuun Yasutani and lay-teacher Koryū Osaka, in his teachings and practice Maezumi combined Sōtō-style shikantaza with Harada Daiun Sogaku's kōan-curriculum, which uses both Rinzai and Soto kōan-collections.
  • Hixon studied Zen koans with Tetsugen Bernard Glassman, and Glassman posthumously ordained him as a Zen sensei.
  • Zen Without Zen Masters is a book by Camden Benares (The Count of Five), published in 1977, of koans, stories and exercises of a Discordian nature.
  • There-after, the students goes through the Gateless Gate (Mumonkan), the Blue Cliff Record, the Book of Equanimity, the Record of Transmitting the Light, the Five Ranks and finally more than 100 Precept Koans.
  • Dongshan is the subject of Case 18 "Three Pounds of Flax" in The Gateless Barrier, a collection of koans authored by the Chan master Wumen Huikai in 1228.
  • It was this fear of superficiality and intellectualization of old koans that led him to destroy all copies of his own teacher’s masterpiece, the Blue Cliff Record, to save Chan and to authenticate proper koan practice.
  • As Lijn stated to video poet and visual philosopher Sarah Tremlett, her aim with her text-based Poem Machines and Koans is to use kinesis to "re-energise the word, to give it back power and fresh meaning".
  • Poole rejects the inference of 'eclecticism' if this means aping ready-made formuli: he sees the disjunctions as crucial - a set of koans, inviting the listener to sense subtler causes beneath the illusion of surfaces.
  • In the Rinzai school especially, it is a person's kyōgai that is judged when being tested with kōans, as opposed to an intellectual understanding of a fixed answer to the kōan itself.
  • He attended Tokyo University, graduating with a major in Indian philosophy, and studied the Rinzai koan-curriculum with Muso Joko Roshi (1884-1948, aka Hannyakutsu Joko Roshi), a Shingon priest who studied the koans with another Shingon priest, Muchaku Kaiko Roshi (1871-1928); Kaiko in turn studied koans with Kazan Genku (1837-1917), a Rinzai Zen-priest of the Myoshin-ji branch of Rinzai Zen.

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