Definition, Meaning, Synonyms & Anagrams | English word LABIUM
Definitions of LABIUM
- (anatomy, usually, in the plural) A liplike structure; especially one of the two pairs of folds of skin on either side of the vulva.
- (botany) The lip of a labiate corolla.
- (entomology) A lower mouthpart of an insect that is formed by the second pair of maxillae united in the middle line.
- (music) The lip against which pressured air is driven to produce sound in a recorder and in a pipe organ with flue pipes.
Number of letters
Is palindrome
Examples of Using LABIUM in a Sentence
- In primates, and specifically in humans, the labia majora (: labium majus), also known as the outer lips or outer labia, are two prominent longitudinal skin folds that extend downward and backward from the mons pubis to the perineum.
- The labia minora (Latin for 'smaller lips', : labium minus), also known as the inner labia, inner lips, or nymphae, are two flaps of skin that are part of the primate vulva, extending outwards from the inner vaginal and urethral openings to encompass the vestibule.
- She is regularly stripped, blindfolded, chained, and whipped; her anus is widened by increasingly large plugs; her labium is pierced and her buttocks are branded.
- Another characteristic is an indentation in the endites (paired mouthparts anterior and lateral to the labium, or lip).
- The nymphs and adults have distinctive piercing mouthparts, with mandibles and maxillae modified to form a piercing "stylet" sheathed within a modified labium.
- Air under pressure (called wind) is driven through a flue and against a sharp lip called a labium, causing the column of air in the pipe to resonate at a frequency determined by the pipe length (see wind instrument).
- Wind from the "flue", or windway is driven over an open window and against a sharp lip called a Labium.
- Labium and its derivatives (including labial, labrum) are used to describe any lip-like structure, but in the English language, labia often specifically refers to parts of the vulva.
- The upper and lower lips are referred to as the labium superius oris and labium inferius oris, respectively.
- The damselfly larvae require a plant structure that can withstand the backward movement that occurs when the labium protracts to catch food.
- It owns a labium, which has less than 10 cuspules, also owning undivided tarsal scopula on legs 1 through 3, leg 4 being undivided with a band of hairs.
- Other offsets continue on the round ligament of the uterus, through the inguinal canal, and to the integument of the labium majus and groin.
- At the outer margin, the galea is a cupped or scoop-like structure, which sits over the outer edge of the labium.
- After piercing the femoral sheath and fascia cribrosa, it courses medialward, across the spermatic cord (or round ligament in the female), to be distributed to the integument on the lower part of the abdomen, the scrotum in the male, and the labium majus in the female, anastomosing with branches of the internal pudendal artery.
- One long perineal branch, inferior pudendal (long scrotal nerve), curves forward below and in front of the ischial tuberosity, pierces the fascia lata, and runs forward beneath the superficial fascia of the perineum to the skin of the scrotum in the male, and of the labium majus in the female.
- The calyx is silky, without bractlets; its upper labium with a protuberant basis, is integral or weakly emarginate, the lower one is integral, almost twice longer than upper.
- Circum-oesophageal connectives lead from the tritocerebrum around the gut to connect the brain to the ventral ganglionated nerve cord: nerves from the first three pairs of ganglia lead to the mandibles, maxillae and labium, respectively.
- The hypostome (also called the maxilla, radula, or labium) is a calcified harpoon-like structure near the mouth area of certain parasitic arthropods including ticks, that allows them to anchor themselves firmly in place on a host vertebrate while sucking blood.
- Usually it consists of the epistome (labrum), two pairs of coxapophyses (endites, maxillary lobes) and often a labium.
- The cephalothorax is chocolate brown, with a supra-marginal band of yellow extending from the posterior slope to the anterior angle of the pars cephalica: falces, maxillæ, labium, and sternum chocolate-brown; legs and palpi, brown; abdomen above greenish-brown with two longitudinal rows of brown-margined yellow spots, at the sides greyish, and below dusky-brown with four more or less continuous longitudinal whitish stripes converging towards the anus.
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