Definition, Meaning & Anagrams | English word LONGLINES


Definitions of LONGLINES

  1. plural of longline.


Number of letters


Is palindrome




Examples of Using LONGLINES in a Sentence

  • They are one of the most abundant pelagic sharks, with large numbers being caught by fisheries as bycatch on longlines and nets.
  • Trotlines are similar to a longline, but longlines are fixed to a surface vessel at only one end and usually towed along the water, while trotlines are fixed (usually stationarily) to the surface at both ends via anchored boats, buoys or structures.
  • This species is caught in gillnets and on bottom longlines, and to a much lesser extent in bottom trawls and on pelagic longlines.
  • Artisanal fishers in this area use gear that included, "cast nets, handlines, basket traps, longlines, set gillnets and beach and purse seines".
  • This species is taken as bycatch in gillnets and bottom trawls, and on longlines; most captures occur in the Mediterranean and off Japan.
  • It is caught incidentally on longlines and in gillnets and purse seines, though the paucity of captures suggest that it mostly lives in waters too deep for commercial fisheries.
  • This common species is taken by artisanal and commercial fisheries across its range, using floating and fixed gillnets, longlines, bottom nets, fish traps, trawls, and hook-and-line.
  • The shallow waters in which the fish live are intensively fished with longlines and gillnets, and the blackspot shark may be overexploited through overfishing.
  • It is caught by artisanal fishers throughout its range, mostly in drifting and bottom gillnets, but also in bottom trawls and on longlines.
  • Atlantic weasel sharks are caught using a variety of fishing gear, such as longlines, hook and line, gillnets, and bottom trawls.
  • The cloudy catshark is caught incidentally by commercial fisheries with bottom fishing nets including trawls and gillnets, as well as on bottom longlines.
  • This species is caught incidentally on deepwater longlines and bottom trawls targeting other species, including wreckfish (Polyprion americanus), conger eel (Conger conger), Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus), and red shrimp (Aristeus antennatus).
  • Significant, though unquantified, numbers of southern sawtail catsharks are caught incidentally on bottom longlines and in bottom trawls and traps, deployed by goosefish and squid fisheries.
  • These pressures originate from various fishing methods, including demersal trawl, purse seines, tangle nets, set nets, gill nets, droplines, longlines, and Danish seine.
  • It is often used as bait fish on small and medium longlines, handlines, fishing using rods and reels, as trolling bait, even as bait in fish traps.
  • This species is caught using hook and line, seines, gill nets, bottom longlines and traps, it is also taken by spearfishing.
  • It includes handlines, hand reels, powered reels, pole-and-line, droplines, longlines, trotlines and troll lines.
  • In West Africa, this species is assessed as Vulnerable; it is taken intentionally or incidentally by gillnets, shrimp trawls, longlines, and handlines.
  • In the southwestern Atlantic, the roughtail stingray and other large rays are heavily fished using demersal trawls, gillnets, longlines, and hook-and-line; this fishing pressure is liable to increase due to growing commercial interest in using large stingrays for minced fish products.
  • A wide variety of fishing gear is used, including longlines, bottom trawls, trammel nets, gillnets, traps, beach seines, and hook-and-line.

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