Definition & Meaning | English word MAINSTEM


Definitions of MAINSTEM

  1. The principal watercourse of a river that has multiple streams

Number of letters


Is palindrome






Examples of Using MAINSTEM in a Sentence

  • A bayou is often an anabranch or minor braid of a braided channel that is slower than the mainstem, often becoming boggy and stagnant.
  • The mainstem is a coolwater stream as evidenced by the presence of burbot and mottled sculpin, it also contains hornyhead chub, common shiner, johnny darter, and walleye.
  • Below the confluence of Murrieta and Temecula Creeks, the primary tributaries of the Santa Margarita River mainstem are Rainbow Creek on the left (headingdownstream) and Sandia Creek and De Luz Creeks on the right.
  • The Farmington has the highest mussel species diversity of any tributary to the Connecticut, lacking only the Yellow lampmussel, which is found only in the mainstem of the Connecticut from Turners Falls, MA downriver to Windsor, CT.
  • The canal stretches some 350 miles between its headworks at Haridwar and, after bifurcation near Aligarh, its confluences with the Ganges river mainstem in Kanpur and the Yamuna river in Etawah.
  • Because the San Francisquito Creek mainstem (and its Los Trancos Creek tributary) forms the boundary of Santa Clara County and San Mateo County, the respective county water districts were unable to agree historically on paying to channelize and concretize the creek, leaving it in a highly natural state.
  • Soils formations along the mainstem of Zayante Creek by ascending altitude are: Monterey Formation, Zayante Formation, Vaqueros Sandstone and Lompico Sandstone; about midway through its course, Zayante Creek is bisected by the Zayante Fault.
  • As late as 2001 spawning gravel studies were conducted in Calabazas along with Graham Creek, Bear Creek, Carriger Creek and mainstem Sonoma Creek; these studies demonstrated that adequacy of spawning gravels and absence of sedimentation are not limiting factors for anadromous fish propagation.
  • Chevalier Jackson refined the rigid bronchoscope in the 1920s, using this rigid tube to visually inspect the trachea and mainstem bronchi.
  • The abnormally widened trachea and mainstem bronchi are associated with recurrent lower respiratory tract infection and copious purulent sputum production, eventually leading to bronchiectasis and other respiratory complications.
  • Although the patient did not have proximal airway collapse prior to transplantation, his posttransplant course was complicated by the development of bronchomalacia of the right and left mainstem bronchi.
  • The mainstem Palix River, forms by the confluence of the three forks, flows northwest for a few miles, its estuary merging with the estuary of Willapa Bay just west of Wilson Point.
  • The geology of this watershed including the mainstem watershed of Zayante Creek is characterized by strata that include Vaqueros Sandstone and Lompico Sandstone.
  • Deer Creek begins at elevation 680 feet just north of Altamount Road and west of Taafe Road in Los Altos Hills, then flows northerly passing under Interstate 280 at the La Barranca Road underpass, where it turns west and parallels Purissima Road, crosses Arastradero Road and Deer Creek Road, before joining the Matadero Creek mainstem just south of Foothill Expressway and east of Page Mill Road.
  • 5 feet high near the creekmouth (see figure) so the Mid Klamath Watershed Council proposed, in February 2010, creation of an engineered logjam to divert flows into historic side channels which would re-connect the creek to the Klamath River mainstem and bypass the falls.
  • Habitats in the reserve include mixed forests (including mixed evergreen, California bay, tanoak, madrone, upland redwood, upland Douglas-fir, Pacific yew, and knobcone pine); woodlands (including Oregon oak, black oak, interior live oak, and mixed north-slope cismontane); mixed chaparral (including chamise, montane manzanita, whitethorn, ceanothus, buck brush, interior live oak, and north-slope chaparral); bald hills prairie; grassland; mainstem and tributary river channels draining from 0.
  • On the 1899 Palo Alto Topo Map its mainstem was called Corte de Madera Creek and its Neils Gulch tributary was called Sausal Creek.
  • The eastern fork flows westward along Rocks Road east of, then around the north flank of, Pinacate Peak until it crosses back into Monterey County and under Highway 156/101, joining the Carneros Creek mainstem in the Cañada de la Carpinteria.
  • They incorporate an endotracheal lumen which terminates in the trachea and an endobronchial lumen, the distal tip of which is positioned 1–2 cm into the right or left mainstem bronchus.
  • The lagoon is located on the Rancho Los Corralitos very near its boundary with the Calabasas Rancho just west of Freedom Boulevard and is not part of the Corralitos Creek mainstem.

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