Definition, Meaning & Synonyms | English word PERFIDY


Definitions of PERFIDY

  1. A state or act of deceit.
  2. A state or act of violating faith or allegiance; violation of a promise or vow, or of trust.
  3. (international law, in warfare) An illegitimate act of deception, such as using symbols like the Red Cross or white flag in a false claim of surrender to gain proximity to an enemy for purposes of attack.


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Examples of Using PERFIDY in a Sentence

  • A war crime is a violation of the laws of war that gives rise to individual criminal responsibility for actions by combatants in action, such as intentionally killing civilians or intentionally killing prisoners of war, torture, taking hostages, unnecessarily destroying civilian property, deception by perfidy, wartime sexual violence, pillaging, and for any individual that is part of the command structure who orders any attempt to committing mass killings including genocide or ethnic cleansing, the granting of no quarter despite surrender, the conscription of children in the military and flouting the legal distinctions of proportionality and military necessity.
  • "Deserve our approbation" - Mi'kmaq gratify French to same degree they earn writer's condemnation for "perfidy and cruelty" (Note: "savage" used).
  • Good faith is required, but at least 17 different types of , including ambushes, false radio messages, the use of spies and the use of dummy guns, are considered legitimate as long as they do not involve treachery or perfidy.
  • By its nature, Zionism concentrates ultra-nationalism, chauvinism and racial intolerance, excuse for territorial occupation and annexation, military opportunism, cult of political promiscuousness and irresponsibility, demagogy and ideological diversion, dirty tactics and perfidy.
  • Lothario is also the name of a rakish ex-priest featured in the 1728 poem "Sarah the Quaker to Lothario", whose perfidy drives his lover, Sarah, to suicide.
  • This included eight personifications of virtues and vices: Hope, Repentance, Perfidy, Calumny, Fraud, Rancour, Ignorance, Suspicion, as well as two other figures.
  • In March 2003, after the UDP lost elections called on the 5th of the month, editor Panton claimed the election was the worst managed in Belizean history and listed a number of instances he thought were proof of the Elections and Boundaries Department's perfidy toward the UDP.
  • The New York Times critic Virginia Heffernan wrote that the television series "looks in this fingernail instant like a 1970's documentary—a staring, verité meditation that will expose the pallid loneliness of the quickie wedding and, in turn, the perfidy of the American dream".
  • They were equally agreed in detesting the inconstancy of Constantine, the irresolution of Jovinus, the perfidy of Gerontius; both singling out the fault proper to each person, and both finding in Dardanus the sum of all existing vices.
  • He persists in defiance of her wishes and in his love for Julie, who instead has given her heart to Captain Warkworth (Powell), unaware of his perfidy and an affair with a mutual friend, Aileen Moffet.
  • Pan once again complains to Triton about the perfidy and hatefulness of women, who again remonstrates with him.
  • Elfinger and Schneck have known each other since childhood and still maintain a friendly rivalry relationship, as they are very fond of each other, but never miss an opportunity to one-up one another with affectionate perfidy and malice, often under the pretext that it is for the good of their respective villages.
  • The Cannibals' progress; or The dreadful horrors of French invasion, as displayed by the Republican officers and soldiers, in their perfidy, rapacity, ferociousness and brutality, exercised towards the innocent inhabitants of Germany.
  • Bautista and his men were "killed with perfidy and treachery", and that the massacre "conclusively brands the MNLF as the violator of the ceasefire agreement".
  • Nair informs him that Davidia has departed Africa, and Michael accuses him of perfidy, spurning him.
  • He strengthened the characterisation “the perfidy of Syphax, the uprightness of Viriate, the ambition of Ismene and the magnanimous conduct of Orcano.
  • No fire illum'd her dismal den: Yet a tattered Bible she red; For she saw in the dark with a wizzard ken—And talked with tire troubled dead, And 'twas said that she mutter'd a foreign name, With curses too fearful to tell; And a tale of perfidy, madness, and shame, She told to the walls of her cell.

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