Definition, Meaning & Anagrams | English word PREAPICAL
Definitions of PREAPICAL
- Located before the apex
- Such a structure
Number of letters
Is palindrome
Examples of Using PREAPICAL in a Sentence
- They are distinguishable from other leafhopper subfamilies by their uniquely shaped head and the presence of two preapical cells alone on the tegmen.
- Forewing grey brown, with a rufous tinge: a small blotch at base, a preapical costal spot, and the cell prominently black brown; hindwing fuscous.
- It also differs as follows: underside forewing: the ochraceous orange-red on disc, and across cell proportionately of less extent, and uniform, not getting paler towards the apex of the cell; the upper four spots of the preapical transverse series on the black apical area minute.
- The forewing has two transverse short black lines at the base, a black loop across the middle, and another beyond the apex of the cell, with their centres dark brown, followed by an angulated discal dark brown band bordered outwardly by a series of five white spots; two preapical white spots beyond and a broad, somewhat diffuse, subterminal black band broadening over the apex and angulated inwards in interspace 1.
- Underside: forewing: basal area up to the white band, and in a transverse line from lower end of band to dorsum, blackish brown; terminal margin beyond broadly paler brown; a white-centred fulvous-ringed black ocellus in interspace 2, and two preapical, smaller similar ocelli, followed by a very sinuous subterminal and a straighter terminal dark brown line.
- Forewings and hindwings with a discal broad transverse area from below vein 4 in forewing to vein 2 on hindwing, a moderately large spot in interspace 5, a minute preapical dot beyond in interspace 6 on forewing, and a subterminal row of spots with two or three spots beyond them on the tornal angle of the hindwing, pale yellow, sometimes with an ochraceous, sometimes with a greenish tinge.
- Forewing: cell with five broad transverse black bands, the basal and subbasal bands produced to the dorsum, the medial band generally extended into interspace 2, the preapical ended on the median rein, and the fifth or apical from costa along the discocellulars extends on both sides of these and terminates at lower apex of cell; beyond the fifth band is a short macular transverse bar of the ground colour that terminates on vein 5, followed by a very broad black terminal band that occupies about one-third of the width of the wing and is traversed by a transverse subterminal series of rounded spots of the ground colour.
- Fore wing black, the basal area to the middle of the cell dark ochraceous red; a short, broad, oblique yellow subbasal band from subcostal vein to vein 1; discal yellow spots beyond in interspaces 1, 2, 4 and 5, the upper two and lower two spots respectively separated by the veins only, the latter two spots joined to the subbasal band by an elongate reddish-yellow spot in interspace la; a postdiscal series of a yellow crescent marks surmounted by a yellow spot in interspaces 2 and 3, and three upper postdiscal whitish smaller spots in interspaces 4, 5, 6 shifted somewhat further towards the termen; lastly, two preapical white dots.
- Underside dark ochraceous red, the yellow bands as on the uppetside, but not clearly defined, the inmost band more or less whitish, the medial band terminating in a comparatively large white spot on the costa, the subterminal band very obscure, terminating in two white spots on the costa, the minute white preapical spots as on the upperside.
- Hindwing: postdiscal and subterminal very obscure pale transversa fasciae; the latter with a superposed series of seven oval black spots each with a white dot on the outer margin and inwardly pale-edged; the preapical two and posterior two of these spots only clearly defined, the others obsolescent, the preapieal two the larger.
- The forewing base, costal margin broadly and discoidal cell except at its lower apical area are heavily irrorated (speckled) with dusky-grey scales with a short streak at upper apex of cell joined to a large spot on the discocellulars, black; superposed on the black terminal area are two small preapical spots and a much larger subterminal spot in interspace 3, all of the white ground colour; minute white terminal specks also, often more or less obsolescent, in the interspaces.
- Forewing: orange-yellow streak in cell much narrower for two-thirds of its length from base, then abruptly expanded anteriorly so as to fill the apex of the cell, the inner margin of the apical portion and the anterior margin of the basal portion forming a clearly defined right angle; lower discal spot absent, upper larger discal spot somewhat diamond shaped; subcostal spot and preapical spot placed obliquely outwards from it more distinctly double, the lower portion of the subapical spot orange-yellow, the upper portion and the subcostal spot white.
- Forewing: the cell, basal two-thirds of interspaces 1a, 1, 2 and 3, and the extreme base of interspace 4 suffused with a beautiful pale violescent blue; a curved series of three subquadrate preapical white spots.
- This family is readily distinguished from the family Periscelididae by the entire subcostal vein, from the Sapromyzidae by the absence of preapical tibial bristles on at least the anterior and posterior tibia, and from Pallopteridae by the presence of a propleural bristle and the exposed frontal lunule.
- The costa of the forewing has a broad triangular jet-black projection downwards at the discocellulars, and the dorsum has a triangular projection upwards near the tornus; this black margin narrows near the middle of the termen and bears on the apex two short transverse preapical white streaks crossed by the black veins.
- Hindwing with a row of five ocelli enclosed in a common silvery narrow band, on the inner side of the white band; each ocellus with a white centre, an inner ring of ochraceous, and an outer ring of blackish brown; the ocelli at the each end of the row the smallest, the preapical very large and bi-pupilled.
- Forewing: discoidal streak clavate, bi-indentate above; a contiguous spot at base of interspace 3; a short, outwardly oblique band from middle of dorsum contracted in the middle; another outwardly oblique, somewhat macular, short, broad, preapical band from beyond middle of costa to interspace 4, with two small spots above it in interspaces 5 and 6.
- Female upperside, forewing: a beautiful lilacine blue with a white central patch that occupies the lower apical half of the cell and the basal three-fourths of interspaces 3, 4 and 5; apex of wing and upper portion of termen broadly black, the inner border of this colour curving from a preapical point on the costa to apex of vein 3, thence the black continued as a slender anteciliary line to the tornus.
- Underside dark purplish brown, shaded at base of wings and along costal margin and apex of forewing with dark ferruginous; both forewing and hindwing with two black spots in the discoidal area, followed by an auriform mark and an irregular median band, crossing both wings, of dark brown, markings outwardly obscurely and interruptedly bordered with lilacine; beyond the discal area both wings are shaded transversely with dark brown, succeeded by a subterminal dark line bordered inwardly with purple; forewing with the white preapical spot larger; hindwing with a black white-centred minute subtornal spot.
- Underside: ground colour similar, but irrorated (sprinkled) with obscure transverse striae of a deeper brown; the terminal margins of both forewings and hindwings very broadly paler; the dark basal portion of the wings sharply defined by a very dark brown line; a postmedian series on both wings of rather small white-centred fulvous-ringed black ocelli—two on the forewing, a median and a preapical; seven, placed in a slight curve, on the hindwing.
- A very broad oblique discal orange band from costa to apices of interspaces 1 and 2, this orange band is sprinkled with bluish black scales; apical third of wing velvety purpurescent (purple) black; a hyaline (glass-like) transverse spot near middle of interspace 2, and a subtriangular similar small preapical spot.
- philomela but the ochraceous-white ground colour paler, tin-transverse brown strice coarser, the ocelli on the hindwing more distinctly in echelon, two tornal, two median, and two preapical, and on both forewing and hindwing more or less distinctly defined, subbasal, discal and subterminal brown transverse bands.
- Forewing with the preapical ocellus as on the upperside, obscure discal and subterminal dull brown transverse fasciae and a narrow brown ring round the ocellus diffusely produced posteriorly.
- Female Nilgiri form: resembles the female of typical hyperbius differs as follows: Upperside: ground colour pale golden yellow; basal half of both forewings and hindwings shaded with metallic green in the forewing; in some specimens this tint is slightly olivaceous; black markings and the white oblique band on the apical area of the forewing as in hyperbius, but proportionately smaller, the purplish-blue shading along inner margin of the white band much less conspicuous, as is also the bluish tint; on the white preapical spots and subterminal markings on the forewing and on the posterior half of the subterminal line of limules on the hindwing.
- Forewing: the apical half black, following a line from vein 12 opposite the discocellulars, passing through apex of cell, obliquely across middle of interspace 3 and curving down to tornus; a black spot near apex of cell coalescing with the inner margin of 1he black colour; a short, very oblique, broad golden-yellow band, broader in the female than in the male, from middle of costal margin to interspace 5; a spot beyond in line with it in interspace 4; two, sometimes three, minute, preapical white specks; the cilia fulvous (tawny), touched with white, anteriorly.
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