Definition, Meaning, Synonyms & Anagrams | English word REBUILD
Definitions of REBUILD
- A process or result of rebuilding.
- (ambitransitive) To build again or anew.
Number of letters
Is palindrome
Examples of Using REBUILD in a Sentence
- Alypius was afterwards commissioned to rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem as part of Julian's systematic attempt to reverse the Christianization of the Roman Empire by restoring pagan and, in this case, Jewish practices.
- Germany was stripped of its U-boats by the Treaty of Versailles at the end of World War I, but in the late 1920s and early 1930s began to rebuild its armed forces.
- Duke Casimir I the Restorer returns to Poland, and makes great efforts to rebuild the war-ruined country.
- He commissioned John Nash to build the Royal Pavilion in Brighton and remodel Buckingham Palace, and commissioned Jeffry Wyatville to rebuild Windsor Castle.
- The Sui endeavoured to rebuild the country, re-establishing and reforming many imperial institutions; in so doing, the Sui laid much of the foundation for the subsequent Tang dynasty, who after toppling the Sui would ultimately preside over a new golden age in Chinese history.
- The second was the eldest son of Hiel (also spelled Chiel) the Bethelite, who perished prematurely in consequence of his father's undertaking to rebuild Jericho.
- Seeking to rebuild that future and reacting to a supposed decline in the Roman population which he blamed on rich families buying up Italian land, he carried a land reform bill against strong opposition by another tribune during his term as tribune of the plebs in 133 BC.
- However, after failing to capture a championship, the Suns would rebuild around Walter Davis for a majority of the 1980s, until the acquisition of Kevin Johnson in 1988.
- Two young men, Jeremiah and Kurdy, meet up and join forces with those inside "Thunder Mountain" and help rebuild civilization.
- His fate was debated by the Greeks, for if he were allowed to live, it was feared he would avenge his father and rebuild Troy.
- According to Dionysius and Livy, both she and the god Terminus are supposed to have "refused" the ceremony of reversal (exauguratio) performed when Tarquin wished to rebuild the temple district on the Capitoline.
- After flooding east of Plainville in the 1993 floods damaged the line, the railroad concluded it would not be cost effective to rebuild, and the entire line from Plainville to Colby was abandoned by 1998.
- A well-known example is the return to Zion, by which King Cyrus the Great granted the Jews expelled from Judah to Babylon the option to return to their ancestral homeland and rebuild Jerusalem.
- In 1960, Dalí and the mayor of Figueres decided to rebuild it as a museum dedicated to the town's most famous son.
- A 2019 article described Mayor Jason Ward's plans to hire a police officer and rebuild the abandoned school library.
- Following his Keller mill being "burned down to ashes", Byrne vowed to rebuild and found a town named Ashdown.
- Forestry was an early industry, spurred by the massive harvesting of lumber needed to rebuild Chicago following the Great Fire of 1871.
- Supervisor Marc Del Piero, a Pajaro native, also secured major federal grants to acquire and completely rebuild the public water system in 1984, and transferred it to the newly created Pajaro Community Services District.
- Citizens considered abandoning the city after the devastation, but instead decided to rebuild and raise money to construct a waterworks system that would allow them to fight future fires more effectively.
- Entergy decided to fully rebuild and strengthen the island's power grid instead of repairing it like most communities north of Grand Isle had received.
- Each year, a local sporting group which calls itself "Coots Unlimited "—a parody of Ducks Unlimited—holds a fundraising event with proceeds to rebuild local wildlife habitat.
- Duryea, Pennsylvania, which had experienced similar flooding as the result of Hurricane Agnes in 1972, sought a town similar in size and demographics to "adopt" and help rebuild after the devastation wrought by the largest natural disaster in the history of the town.
- Hurricane Katrina damaged over 40 Mississippi libraries, gutting the Waveland Public Library, as a total loss, requiring a complete rebuild.
- Cape May Point operates under the Walsh Act commission form of government, first created to rebuild the city of Galveston, Texas after the devastating Hurricane of 1900.
- Verizon Communications announced in July 2013 that it won't rebuild its copper-wire based plain old telephone service to Mantoloking residents, instead providing them with its Voice Link wireless service, an effort that brought protests from the AARP.
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