Definition & Meaning | English word SECTIONING


Definitions of SECTIONING

  1. A division into sections.
  2. inflection of section
  3. (UK, NZ, AU, mental health) An instance of a person being sectioned.

Number of letters


Is palindrome







Examples of Using SECTIONING in a Sentence

  • Histological section, a thin slice of tissue used for microscopic examination, achieved by sectioning.
  • In geometry, the golden angle is the smaller of the two angles created by sectioning the circumference of a circle according to the golden ratio; that is, into two arcs such that the ratio of the length of the smaller arc to the length of the larger arc is the same as the ratio of the length of the larger arc to the full circumference of the circle.
  • The advantage of quarter sectioning is it allows a look at two complete cross-sections while still allowing excavation in plan thus allowing a better interpretation of the stratigraphy of the site.
  • After flying over Angel Falls in his home country of Venezuela he was inspired by the concept of the smoothly reoccurring flow system inherent in a waterfall to take his diamond knife invention and combine it with an ultramicrotome to dramatically improve the ultra-thin sectioning of electron microscopy samples.
  • The spheroidal dome is obtained by sectioning off a portion of a spheroid so that the resulting dome is circularly symmetric (having an axis of rotation), and likewise the ellipsoidal dome is derived from the ellipsoid.
  • "Fluorescence microscope" refers to any microscope that uses fluorescence to generate an image, whether it is a simple set up like an epifluorescence microscope or a more complicated design such as a confocal microscope, which uses optical sectioning to get better resolution of the fluorescence image.
  • The pars intermedia appears to be tonically inhibited by stimuli from the hypothalamus (either by dopaminergic innervation or by vascular mechanism) as experimental sectioning of the pars intermedia from the hypothalamus has been noted to result in hypertrophy of the pars intermedia in various animals.
  • This package included bulk earthworks for stations between Mandurah and Cockburn Central; civil works, drainage, and track structure between Mandurah and the Narrows Bridge; the traction power network from Mandurah to north of the Narrows Bridge, including overhead wires, feeder stations at Jandakot and Karnup, and track sectioning cabins; roadworks between Mandurah and Glen Iris, including rail, road, and pedestrian bridges; signals and communication for the entire line; Mandurah railcar depot; and connecting the signalling, power and communications systems to the rest of the network at Perth Yard.
  • Unlike confocal microscopes, multiphoton microscopes do not contain pinhole apertures that give confocal microscopes their optical sectioning quality.
  • The Stick style did have several characteristics in common with the later Queen Anne style: interpenetrating roof planes with bold panelled brick chimneys, the wrap-around porch, spindle detailing, the "panelled" sectioning of blank wall, radiating spindle details at the gable peaks.
  • In 1891 Sir Victor Horsley proposed the first open surgical procedure for the disorder involving the sectioning of preganglionic rootlets of the trigeminal nerve.
  • Upon sectioning of the heart the atrioventricular endocardial cushions can be observed in the lumen of the atrial canal as two thickenings, one on its dorsal and another on its ventral wall.
  • The laser microtome is an instrument used for non-contact sectioning of biological tissues or materials.
  • MPEG-2 AAC is substantially similar to the original AT&T PAC algorithm written by Johnston and Ferreira, including the specifics of stereo pair coding, bitstream sectioning, handling of 1 or 2 channels at a time, multiple codebooks responding to the same largest absolute value, and block switching triggers.
  • The laboratory space includes facilities for visually describing core at the macro- and microscale; microscopes for petrological sediment analysis and biostratigraphic assessment; instrumentation for measuring physical properties, paleomagnetism, and the geochemistry of pore waters, sediment, and rocks; and equipment for cutting and sectioning samples from rock and sediment cores.
  • Computed Corpuscle Sectioning has obvious pertinence to stereology, but has not been exploited in that field.
  • The commissural fibers of the optic tract are called the commissure of Gudden in his honor, and he is credited for developing a specialized microtome for sectioning the brain for pathological study.
  • Ballance is also remembered for successfully sectioning the vestibulocochlear nerve (cranial nerve VIII) as a remedy for intractable vertigo.
  • Selective vagotomy of the anterior vagal trunk can be performed distal to the hepatic branch (in conjunction with sectioning the posterior vagal trunk distal to its coeliac branches) to curb gastric secretion, however, this often results in gastric stasis (to avoid this complication, a highly selective vagotomy that sections only branches to the gastric fundus and body may be performed instead).
  • On their website Gehry Technology list the following functionality in their DigitalProject:Designer product: generative surfaces design, project organization, parametric 3D surfaces, free-style surface modeling (NURBS), design to fabrication, dynamic sectioning, revision tracking and part comparison, advanced solids modeling and integration with Microsoft Project.

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