Definition, Meaning & Anagrams | English word STUDIE
Definitions of STUDIE
- Obsolete spelling of study.
Number of letters
Is palindrome
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Examples of Using STUDIE in a Sentence
- Book 3: Giga, Bolero e Variazione (Studie nach Mozart) - The "Giga" is based on Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's Eine kleine Gigue, K.
- Dr Richard von Krafft-Ebing's Psychopathia Sexualis: eine Klinisch-Forensische Studie ("Sexual Psychopathy: a Clinical-Forensic Study") is published in Stuttgart.
- Jan Glete, Asea under hundra år: 1883–1983: en studie i ett storföretags organisatoriska, tekniska och ekonomiska utveckling.
- Der Logistische Neupositivismus: Eine kritische Studie English translation by Ann and Peter Kirschenmann "Logistic Neopositivism: A critical study" in Reality and Experience: Four Philosophical Essays, 1979, D.
- According to genetic studie in 2023, the following haplogroups are found to predominate among Dargins (Dargwa, Kaitaks, Kubachis) :.
- He found no such correlation existed and published a study, Hematologická studie u psychotiků (1907, Hematological study of psychotics), in which he classified blood into four groups, I, II, III, and IV.
- Angeline Nguedjeu Nkwenkam: Nonformale Bildung und Berufsbildung zum Empowerment von Frauen für den informellen Sektor: Eine Studie aus dem Kameruner Grasland.
- Psychopathia Sexualis: eine Klinisch-Forensische Studie (Sexual Psychopathy: A Clinical-Forensic Study, also known as Psychopathia Sexualis, with Especial Reference to the Antipathetic Sexual Instinct: A Medico-forensic Study) is an 1886 book by Richard Freiherr von Krafft-Ebing and one of the first texts about sexual pathology.
- Studie over tambú op Curaçao, de Antilliaanse muziek, dans, cultuur en geschiedenis, Zutphen, the Netherlands: Walburg Pers, 1997, ISBN 9789060119877, 337 pages.
- Sandgren, ”Mens sana in corpore sano”: Article about the Swedish boarding school Lundsberg (in swedish) - En studie om Lundsbergs fostrande funktion åren 1910–1968.
Pollatschek, Stefan Der Maler Rudolf Rapaport : das Überwirkliche im Porträt ; eine Studie Wiener Buchund Kunstverlag, Wien, 1933.- 1995, Ruhrgebiet, Beat Furrer, Studie II – A un moment de terre perdu (Klangforum Wien, Peter Rundel).
- Hintze, Bertel (1926) Robert Wilhelm Ekman 1808–1873: En konsthistorisk studie (Helsingfors: Schildt).
- Till Kinzel, Die Tragödie und Komödie des amerikanischen Lebens: Eine Studie zu Zuckermans Amerika in Philip Roths Amerika-Trilogie, Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter GmbH Heidelberg, 2006.
- Tyskarna som industrialiserade Stockholms bryggerinäring: en studie i till Stockholm invandrade tyska bryggare och bryggeriarbetare under 1800-talets senare hälft, med inriktning på nätverk och personer (2007) (The Germans Who Developed Stockholm's Brewery Industry: a study of the immigrant German brewers and brewery workers during the second half of the 1800s, with a focus on networks and people).
- The son of Ludvig von Sydow, an agricultural school administrator, and Friherrin Göthilda Rappe, von Sydow was born in Ryssby and educated in Växjö; he entered Lund University as a student in 1897 and earned his master's degree in 1908 with a study of the legend of Finn and his wife and his doctorate in 1909 with a thesis titled Två spinnsagor—en studie i jämförande folksagoforskning (Two Spinning Legends—A Study in the Comparative Study of Folk Legends).
- Rundquist, Angela, Blått blod och liljevita händer: en etnologisk studie av aristokratiska kvinnor 1850–1900, Carlsson, Diss.
- Rundquist, Angela, Blått blod och liljevita händer: en etnologisk studie av aristokratiska kvinnor 1850-1900, Carlsson, Diss.
- The subtext reads: Conteyning the Practise of the Justices of the Peace Out of Their Sessions, Gathered for the Better Helpe of Such Justices of Peace as Have Not Beene Much Conversant in the Studie of the Lawes of this Realme.
- After receiving his MS in psychology, he received his PhD in 1986 from the University of Amsterdam under supervision of Don Mellenbergh with a thesis, entitled "Het gebruik van hulptheorieën bij operationalisering: een studie rond het begrip subjectief welbevinden" (The use of auxiliary theories on operationalization: a study of the concept of subjective well-being).
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