Definition & Meaning | English word UNDERSTOREY


Definitions of UNDERSTOREY

  1. (chiefly, Commonwealth spelling) Alternative spelling of understory.

Number of letters


Is palindrome






Examples of Using UNDERSTOREY in a Sentence

  • Equisetum is a "living fossil", the only living genus of the entire subclass Equisetidae, which for over 100 million years was much more diverse and dominated the understorey of late Paleozoic forests.
  • 160 years of livestock grazing, timber harvesting and cropping has cleared most of the reserve of native understorey species and in many areas invasive grasses are the main vegetation type.
  • The forest understorey is made up of a mix of plants including the swamp peppermint Taxandria linearifolia, karri hazel, karri wattle (Acacia pentadenia) and the karri sheoak Allocasuarina decussata , all of which thrive in the damp conditions.
  • The park is composed of typical Darling Scarp woodland including species of marri, jarrah and wandoo with a diverse understorey including a range of wildflowers.
  • thumbAmong the plant species in the park are dry vine thicket, mangroves, open forests with a grasstree understorey, paperbark and pandanus woodlands and others.
  • The gully has a dense cover of myrtle beech (Nothofagus cunninghamii), blackwood (Acacia melanoxylon) and tree-ferns, with an understorey of low ferns and mosses.
  • In forestry and ecology, understory (American English), or understorey (Commonwealth English), also known as underbrush or undergrowth, includes plant life growing beneath the forest canopy without penetrating it to any great extent, but above the forest floor.
  • Richard Bowdler Sharpe, who had never visited Africa, associated the akalats, in their Bulu appellation, with birds of "different kinds" occurring in the forest understorey.
  • The very southern part of the park is predominantly aspen forest with an understorey of elderberry, honeysuckle, rose, and other shrubs and openings and meadows of fescue grassland.
  • It is associated as part of the understorey species present in lowland jarrah and karri and it spreads mostly by root suckering.
  • These grasses may form extensive areas of grassland in comprise the understorey component of low open savannah and woodlands of Desert Oak (Allocasuarina decaisneana), Eucalypts and Mulga (Acacia aneura).
  • Coupled with variation in stem size, this produces a diversity of growth forms in the genus—solitary (single-stemmed) palms that grow into the subcanopy of the forest, solitary or caespitose palms that grow in the forest understorey and acaulescent palms which lack an aboveground stem.
  • The silvered antbird inhabits the floor and understorey of tropical evergreen forest, primarily várzea and igapó but also along streams in terra firme and in swampy areas within the forest.
  • In comparison to the formal gardens, the bushland received very little attention except for the successive clearing of the understorey plants and later of sapling and shrub regrowth.
  • Tall manna gum woodlands, some with treefern understorey, are home to tawny frogmouths and sugar gliders.
  • Quassia amara is an understorey plant in neotropic rainforests and humid sites and mostly abundant in young forests.
  • The southern Cleve hills show a greater variety of vegetation, with Open Scrub (Mallee/Saltbush), typically containing Eucalyptus porosa (mallee box), Eucalyptus gracilis and Eucalyptus oleosa with an understorey of Atriplex vesicaria (bladder saltbush).
  • Most of the locality is covered in open jarrah, marri and wandoo woodland, with some areas of dense understorey vegetation.
  • Species growing in the understorey include Kydia calycina, Indian gooseberry (Phyllanthus emblica) and beechwood (Gmelina arborea), shrubs like horse nettles (Solanum), tick clover (Desmodium), Helicteres and invasive species like Lantana camara and bonesets (Eupatorium).
  • In the understorey, shrubs such as Hypocalymma angustifolia, Hibbertia hypericoides, Hakea lissocarpha, Acacia pulchella, Hovea chorizemifolia, Gastrolobium microcarpum, Lepidosperma leptostachyum and Bossiaea eriocarpa are often found.

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