Definition, Meaning & Anagrams | English word VOLSCIAN


Definitions of VOLSCIAN

  1. Or, or relating to, the people or language of the Volsci.
  2. An inhabitant of Volsci, or a person of Volscian descent.
  3. An Italic language formerly spoken by the Volsci and becoming extinct sometime after the 3rd century BC.


Number of letters


Is palindrome






Examples of Using VOLSCIAN in a Sentence

  • He received his toponymic cognomen "Coriolanus" following his courageous actions during a Roman siege of the Volscian city of Corioli.
  • In 491 BC, the Volscian leader Attius Tullus Aufidius sought to stir up trouble in Rome by contriving for the Roman senate to expel the Volsci from the city during the Great Games.
  • Sora, an ancient Volscian town, was thrice captured by the Romans, in 345, 314, and 305 BCE, before they managed, in 303, by means of a colony 4,000 strong, to confirm its annexation as a Latin colony.
  • According to Livy, the Volsci (a neighbouring tribe to the south of Latium) had raised troops to send to the aid of the Latins against Rome; however, the haste of the Roman dictator in joining battle meant that the Volscian forces did not arrive in time.
  • The affected use of antiquated terms, introduced by some of the Latin writers of that age, is humorously ridiculed by him, in a dialogue in which an Oscan, a Volscian and a Roman are introduced as interlocutors (1531).
  • Traditionally considered a Volscian city, with the name of Frusna and then the Roman of Latium adiectum as Frùsino, over the course of its millenary history it has been subjected to multiple devastations and plunders caused by its geostrategic position; as a consequence of this, as well as of destruction due to seismic events (the most ruinous of which occurred in September 1349), it retains only rare, albeit significant, traces of its past.
  • After his exile from Rome, Coriolanus makes his way to the Volscian capital of Antium, and asks Aufidius's help to wreak revenge upon Rome for banishing him.
  • An additional sign , in shape similar to the numeral 8, transcribed as F, was present in Lydian, Neo-Etruscan and in Italic alphabets of Osco-Umbrian languages such as Oscan, Umbrian, Old Sabine and South Picene (Old Volscian).
  • Volscian was a Sabellic Italic language, which was spoken by the Volsci and closely related to Oscan and Umbrian.
  • The Agro Pontino geologically is one of four geomorphic divisions of a somewhat larger area, the Pontine Region, also comprising the Monti Albani, the Volscian Mountains and Monte Circeo; in short, all of Roman Latium.
  • His theatre roles included Yasha in The Cherry Orchard and Henry Percy (Hotspur) in Henry IV, Part 1 both for John Gielgud, Exton in Richard II and Volscian Senator in Coriolanus (Almeida Theatre), Marley's Ghost in A Christmas Carol (Royal Shakespeare Company) and Uncle in Inner Voices (Royal National Theatre), as well as working extensively at the Royal Exchange, Manchester.
  • He declared that no man who volunteered to serve against the Volscian invasion might be imprisoned or given over to his creditors, nor should any creditor molest the families or property of any soldier, and that those who had already been shackled should be freed in order to serve in the coming battle.
  • Upon hearing of Volscian attempts to foment war, the Roman army marched against the Volsci, and in order to avoid war the Volsci offered three hundred children of the leading men of Cora and Suessa Pometia as hostages.
  • The Roman inscriptions confirm the testimony of Pliny as to the city being a Marsic one (one of them has populi Antinatium Marsorum); but an Oscan inscription which has been found there is in the Volscian dialect, and renders it probable that the city was at an earlier period occupied by that people.
  • Both the Picentes and the Volsci spoke Umbrian languages, so it may be that Annius was a member of an old Volscian family, rather than one of the Latin colonists, on whose behalf he spoke.
  • Consular tribunes Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus and Lucius Horatius Pulvillus were sent to carry on the Volscian war Livy then describe how Camillus again defeated the Etruscans at Sutrium and Nepete.

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