13 English Words Ending in EOR
Definition: 1. (Christianity, chiefly, Roman Catholicism) A prayer, typically beginning “I confess to Almighty God…” in English, in which public confession of sins is made.
There are 2 definitions of the word confiteor
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Definition: 1. (Geordie, abstract) here
There are 2 definitions of the word heor
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Definition: 1. Rain, snow and other precipitation products of the condensation of atmospheric water vapour
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Definition: 1. A suspension of dry dust etc. in the atmosphere.
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Definition: 1. (meteorology) a very large water ice object that falls from the sky, similar in composition to hailstones
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Definition: 1. (now, meteorology) An atmospheric or meteorological phenomenon. These were sometimes classified as aerial or airy meteors (winds), aqueous or watery meteors (hydrometeors: clouds, rain, snow, hail, dew, frost), luminous meteors (rainbows and aurora), and igneous or fiery meteors (lightning and shooting stars). [from 16th c.]
There are 6 definitions of the word meteor
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Definition: 1. (optics) Any visible phenomenon in the atmosphere caused by reflection, refraction, diffraction or interference.
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