13 English Words Ending in PRESENCE
Definition: 1. Alternative spelling of copresence.
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Definition: 1. The tie or relation responsible for holding properties in the bundle theory of substance. Also called 'togetherness'
There are 2 definitions of the word compresence
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Definition: 1. Strong presence; the quality of being hyperpresent.
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Definition: 1. Presence in multiple places simultaneously, a lesser form of omnipresence.
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Definition: 1. The ability to be, or the characteristic of being, at all places at the same time (usually only attributed to God).
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Definition: 1. Presence in more than one place.
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Definition: 1. An especially powerful presence
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Definition: 1. Virtual presence in another physical location by means of telecommunication technology.
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Definition: 1. (theology) A form of omnipresence in which an entity is present wherever it wishes to be.
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