10 English words in the word FIALLO
Definition: 1. The Indian mulberry, Morinda citrifolia, especially as used to make dye.
There are 11 definitions of the word al
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Definition: 1. Apiece; each.
There are 15 definitions of the word all
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Definition: 1. Alternative spelling of 'allo ("hello")..
There are 3 definitions of the word allo
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Definition: 1. Short form of the female given name Fiona.
There are 8 definitions of the word fi
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Definition: 1. (British) Initialism of Fellow of the Institute of Actuaries (professional qualification)
There are 2 definitions of the word FIA
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Definition: 1. Iowa, a state of the United States of America.
There are 16 definitions of the word IA
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Definition: 1. Initialism of International Auxiliary Language.
There are 2 definitions of the word IAL
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Definition: 1. (space science) Initialism of low lunar orbit.
There are 2 definitions of the word LLO
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Definition: 1. An abbreviated form of surnames beginning with "Lo-".
There are 8 definitions of the word lo
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