5 English words in the word GAPE
Definition: 1. A placename:
There are 26 definitions of the word ap
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Definition: 1. A primate of the clade Hominoidea, generally larger than monkeys and distinguished from them by having no tail.
There are 8 definitions of the word ape
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Definition: 1. A Niger-Congo language spoken in Ghana and Togo.
There are 13 definitions of the word Ga
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Definition: 1. An opening in anything made by breaking or parting.
There are 19 definitions of the word gap
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Definition: 1. The seventeenth letter of many Semitic alphabets/abjads (Phoenician, Aramaic, Hebrew פ, Syriac ܦ, and others; Arabic has the analog faa).
There are 18 definitions of the word pe
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