14 English words in the word SCARABÆID
Definition: 1. A blood type of the ABO system that has both blood antigens and may receive all blood types, and donate to AB.
There are 30 definitions of the word ab
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Definition: 1. Abbreviation of Arunachal Pradesh. (a state of India)
There are 19 definitions of the word ar
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Definition: 1. The great blue and yellow macaw (Ara ararauna).
There are 16 definitions of the word ara
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Definition: 1. Of or pertaining to Arabs and their nations.
There are 6 definitions of the word Arab
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Definition: 1. Abbreviation of Canada, a country in North America
There are 19 definitions of the word ca
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Definition: 1. A wheeled vehicle that moves independently, with at least three wheels, powered mechanically, steered by a driver and mostly for personal transportation.
There are 22 definitions of the word car
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Definition: 1. A female given name from coinages.
There are 2 definitions of the word Cara
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Definition: 1. Abbreviation of identification / identifier / identity document.
There are 20 definitions of the word id
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Definition: 1. (Egyptian mythology) The Egyptian god of the Sun.
There are 17 definitions of the word ra
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Definition: 1. An island off the Croatian coast in the Adriatic Sea.
There are 3 definitions of the word rab
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Definition: 1. (medicine) subcutaneous
There are 28 definitions of the word sc
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Definition: 1. (aeronautics) Initialism of Shuttle Carrier Aircraft.
There are 5 definitions of the word SCA
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Definition: 1. A permanent mark on the skin, sometimes caused by the healing of a wound.
There are 10 definitions of the word scar
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Definition: 1. A beetle of the species Scarabaeus sacer, sacred to the ancient Egyptians.
There are 3 definitions of the word scarab
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