15 English words in the word STROBILI
Definition: 1. A type of jade disk produced in ancient China.
There are 10 definitions of the word bi
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Definition: 1. Abbreviation of billion.
There are 2 definitions of the word bil
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Definition: 1. Abbreviation of interleukin.
There are 4 definitions of the word IL
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Definition: 1. A river situated in Xinjiang of north-western China and south-eastern Kazakhstan.
There are 2 definitions of the word Ili
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Definition: 1. The Chinese mile, a traditional unit of distance equal to 1500 chis or 150 zhangs, now standardized as a half-kilometer (500 meters).
There are 10 definitions of the word li
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Definition: 1. Abbreviation of obstetrician.
There are 14 definitions of the word ob
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Definition: 1. A sash worn with a kimono.
There are 3 definitions of the word obi
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Definition: 1. Initialism of reverse osmosis.
There are 4 definitions of the word RO
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Definition: 1. (transitive) To steal from, especially using force or violence.
There are 11 definitions of the word rob
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Definition: 1. Someone who acts as a game master (GM) in a tabletop role-playing game, especially any of the games produced by White Wolf.
There are 19 definitions of the word st
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Definition: 1. (historical) Abbreviation of steamer. A vessel propelled by steam.
There are 16 definitions of the word str
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Definition: 1. Abbreviation of translator.
There are 8 definitions of the word tr
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Definition: 1. A type of spike fiddle made from traditionally used in Cambodia and played vertically.
There are 3 definitions of the word tro
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