2,120 English Words Starting With H8S
Definition: 1. (computing, cryptocurrency) The number of proof of work hashes that a mining computer can make in a given period of time, usually a second.
There are 2 definitions of the word hashrate
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Definition: 1. A religious group who used hashish to create mystic visions; they later became associated with the assassination of invading Christian leaders during the Crusades; their descendants are the Khojas.
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Definition: 1. Alternative form of hash slinger.
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Definition: 1. (Internet) A metadata tag, signaled by a preceding hash sign (#), used to label content. [from 2007]
There are 3 definitions of the word hashtag
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Definition: 1. (internet) Suitable for use as a hashtag.
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Definition: 1. (informal, derogatory) A form of Internet slacktivism based around the posting of messages that contain hashtags.
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Definition: 1. Resembling marijuana in taste or smell.
There are 2 definitions of the word hashy
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Definition: 1. (historical) One of a Jewish religious party involved in the Maccabean wars.
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