1,500 English Words Starting With OL
Definition: 1. (organic compound) The phenolic ester 2-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)ethyl (Z)-4-formyl-3-(2-oxoethyl)hex-4-enoate present in olive oil
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Definition: 1. Of or pertaining to the plant family Oleaceae.
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Definition: 1. (zoology) Any snail in the family Oleacinidae.
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Definition: 1. (organic compound) The aglycone of various oleasides.
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Definition: 1. The condition of being oleaginous
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Definition: 1. Oily, greasy.
There are 2 definitions of the word oleaginous
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Definition: 1. The state or condition of being oleaginous; oiliness, unctuousness.
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Definition: 1. (medicine, obsolete) A soft ointment prepared from oil.
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Definition: 1. An endogenous amide of oleic acid that induces sleep in animals.
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Definition: 1. (organic compound) A natural triterpene forming the central core for a wide variety of chemical compounds in flowering plants
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Definition: 1. Nerium oleander, a notoriously poisonous shrub in the dogbane family, Apocynaceae, but nonetheless widely grown as an ornamental, having leathery lance-shaped leaves and deep rose-colored or white flowers.
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