636 English Words With CERE
Definition: 1. (surgery) incision (especially division) of the cerebellum
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Definition: 1. (anatomy, dated) Relating to the cerebellum; cerebellar.
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Definition: 1. (anatomy) Relating to the cerebellar vestibule
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Definition: 1. (neuroanatomy) Part of the hindbrain in vertebrates. In humans it lies between the brainstem and the back of the cerebrum and is formed of two lateral lobes and a median lobe. It plays an important role in sensory perception, motor output, balance and posture.
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Definition: 1. (protein) A protein associated with ubiquitination
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Definition: 1. Intellectual rather than emotional or physical.
There are 3 definitions of the word cerebral
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Definition: 1. to make a mental picture or map of something
There are 2 definitions of the word cerebralise
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Definition: 1. (philosophy, uncountable) The doctrine that non-physical phenomena are functions or products of the brain only.
There are 2 definitions of the word cerebralism
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Definition: 1. (philosophy) One who accepts cerebralism.
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Definition: 1. The process or result of cerebralizing.
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Definition: 1. plural of cerebralization.
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Definition: 1. (transitive) To make a mental picture or map of.
There are 2 definitions of the word cerebralize
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