1,029 English Words With CYBER
Definition: 1. plural of cyberaddiction.
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Definition: 1. Advocacy (arguing or supporting a campaign) on the Internet or in cyberspace.
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Definition: 1. An adulterous relationship that takes place over the Internet or in cyberspace.
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Definition: 1. An agency that operates on the Internet or in cyberspace.
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Definition: 1. An agent operating on the Internet or in cyberspace.
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Definition: 1. aggression in interpersonal interactions taking place on the Internet or in cyberspace
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Definition: 1. A person (or state) that undertakes cyberaggression
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Definition: 1. plural of cyberaggressor.
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Definition: 1. A person who studies the sociopolitical effects of computer technology.
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Definition: 1. The social organisation on the Internet as one without a centralised monopoly on the exercise of force (i.e. without a state).
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Definition: 1. A supporter of cyberanarchism.
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Definition: 1. plural of cyberanarchist.
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Definition: 1. An anarchic state or condition on computer networks.
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Definition: 1. Anonymity achieved by using a computer network to communicate.
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Definition: 1. The anthropology of cyberspace.
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Definition: 1. Art produced with the help of computers, often with an interactive or multimedia aspect.
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Definition: 1. An artist who works with, or in, cyberspace; a creator of cyberart.
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