1,854 English Words With DOS
Definition: 1. (steroid hormone) A mineralocorticoid hormone, secreted by the adrenal cortex, that regulates the balance of sodium and potassium in the body.
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Definition: 1. (pathology) The presence of aldosterone in the blood
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Definition: 1. plural of aldosteronemia.
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Definition: 1. (pathology) Relating to aldosteronism
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Definition: 1. (pathology) A condition, marked by excessive secretion of aldosterone, that gives rise to cardiac difficulties
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Definition: 1. (pathology) An adrenal tumour that produces aldosterone
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Definition: 1. (dated, organic chemistry) ketoaldose
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Definition: 1. plural of Alfredo.
There are 2 definitions of the word alfredos
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Definition: 1. plural of alumbrado.
There are 2 definitions of the word alumbrados
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Definition: 1. (organic chemistry) The aldose form of an aminosugar
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Definition: 1. (medicine) Any of a group of disorders in which the fibrous protein amyloid is deposited in an organ of the body.
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