128 English Words With FIRST
Definition: 1. Based predominantly on cloud computing.
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Definition: 1. The ordinal form of the number eighty-one, describing a person or thing in position number 81 of a sequence.
There are 2 definitions of the word eighty-first
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Definition: 1. Violently forward, with one's face foremost.
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Definition: 1. Alternative spelling of feet first.
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Definition: 1. The ordinal form of the number fifty-one, describing a person or thing in position number 51 of a sequence.
There are 2 definitions of the word fifty-first
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Definition: 1. Someone who can administer first aid
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Definition: 1. Describing a process of dealing with people using the principle "first come, first served".
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Definition: 1. At the first level of some system, particularly:
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Definition: 1. (comptheory) Of or relating to a fast but non-optimal algorithm for the Bin packing problem, placing each item into the first bin in which it will fit.
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Definition: 1. (Northern England, Scotland) The first person to enter the home of a household on New Year's Day.
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Definition: 1. Alternative spelling of first footing.
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Definition: 1. Of or relating to an immigrant or his family
There are 2 definitions of the word first-generation
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