322 English Words With LANA
Definition: 1. (inorganic chemistry) aluminohydride (or any similar, more complex anion)
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Definition: 1. A form of erosion forming large flat surfaces at high altitudes.
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Definition: 1. A form of marriage in Sumatra by which the husband is taken into the wife's family as a subordinate.
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Definition: 1. (enzyme) A glycoside hydrolase enzyme with amylase and pullulanase activity.
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Definition: 1. plural of amylopullulanase.
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Definition: 1. (optics) The absence of spatial invariance over an extended field of view
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Definition: 1. (chemistry) Describing a torsion angle between 150° and 180°
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Definition: 1. The quality of being antiplanar.
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Definition: 1. (optics) A lens that has been corrected for spherical aberration and coma in order to produce a rectilinear image.
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Definition: 1. (optics, of an optical system) Free from, or corrected for, spherical aberration and chromatic aberration
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Definition: 1. (optics) Freedom from spherical aberration.
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Definition: 1. To perform, or to undergo applanation
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Definition: 1. (ophthalmology) That causes applanation
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Definition: 1. (pathology, ophthalmology) The flattening of the cornea, especially by the application of pressure.
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