353 English Words With MST
Definition: 1. The capital and only settlement of the Pitcairn Islands.
There are 4 definitions of the word Adamstown
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Definition: 1. (mineral) A monoclinic-prismatic colorless mineral containing aluminum, calcium, chlorine, hydrogen, oxygen, and silicon.
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Definition: 1. A municipality in North Holland, Netherlands.
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Definition: 1. A city and municipality in North Holland, Netherlands ; capital city, Netherlands.
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Definition: 1. Alternative spelling of Amsterdammer..
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Definition: 1. The local variety of Dutch spoken in Amsterdam.
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Definition: 1. A person from, or residing in, Amsterdam.
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Definition: 1. A municipality and district in, Lower Austria, Austria.
There are 2 definitions of the word Amstetten
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Definition: 1. (immunology, of an antibody) Reacting with the immunoglobins found in hamsters.
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Definition: 1. (diving) A dive from a platform that starts from the hands.
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Definition: 1. A English surname from nicknames, originally a nickname for someone with strong arms.
There are 6 definitions of the word Armstrong
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