422 English Words With OAG
Definition: 1. (pathology) The loss of the sensory recognition of a limb
Show more information about acroagnosis
Definition: 1. (protein) Any of a group of proteins that are platelet agonists
Show more information about alboaggregin
Definition: 1. (immunology) aggressive towards "other" cells or tissue
Show more information about alloaggressive
Definition: 1. (medicine) A substance that prevents coagulation, that stops blood from clotting.
There are 2 definitions of the word anticoagulant
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Definition: 1. In the capacity of an anticoagulant.
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Definition: 1. To administer anticoagulation
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Definition: 1. (medicine) That has been treated with an anticoagulant
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Definition: 1. (medicine) Treatment to prevent coagulation of blood.
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Definition: 1. That counters coagulation
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Definition: 1. Misspelling of anticoagulant.
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Definition: 1. An anticoagulant material in the venom of a bloodsucking insect or a snake
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Definition: 1. (rare, biology) All the anticoagulants present in an organism
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