Anagramas & Información sobre | Palabra Inglés ANCEPS



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Ejemplos de uso de ANCEPS en una oración

  • In languages with quantitative poetic metres, such as Ancient Greek, Latin, Arabic, Sanskrit, and classical Persian, an anceps (plural ancipitia or (syllabae) ancipites) is a position in a metrical pattern which can be filled by either a long or a short syllable.
  • Pinus ponderosa is affected by Armillaria, Phaeolus schweinitzii, Fomes pini, Atropellis canker, dwarf mistletoe, Polyporus anceps, Verticicladiella, Elytroderma needle cast, and western gall rust.
  • The forests have an understory of smaller trees, shrubs, ferns, and herbs, including Myrsine kermadecensis; Lobelia anceps, Poa polyphylla, Coprosma acutifolia, and Coriaria arborea.
  • The trio would name 25 species now considered synonymous with Marsh's original species, Titanotherium anceps, which was placed in Leidy's genus, Uintatherium.
  • As Porson observed in his note on line 347 in his first (1797) edition of Euripides' Hecuba, this line is irregular, since -τοις in νώτοις is long, occurs at the third anceps, and is followed by word break; it therefore breaks the law which Porson later formulated, and it is unlikely that Euripides wrote it as it stands.
  • The specific name anceps means "two-edged", referencing the carinae (cutting edges) on both the front and back of the teeth.
  • Although no two acardiac twins are alike, twins with this disorder are grouped into four classes: Acephalus, anceps, acormus, and amorphus.
  • Medium bamboos (3–8 meters) - Arundinaria kunishii, Arundinaria anceps, Bambusa multiplex, Bambusa multiplex "Alphonse Karr", Bambusa multiplex "Golden goddess", Bambusa ventricosa, Bambusa ventricosa "Kimmei", Chimonobambusa quadrangularis, Chimonobambusa quadrangularis "Tatejima", Chimonobambusa tumidissinoda, Chusquea coronalis, Hibanobambusa tranquillans, Himalayacalamus asper, Otatea acuminata, Phyllostachys arcana "Luteosulcata", Phyllostachys aurea, Phyllostachys aurea "Flavescens inversa", Phyllostachys aurea "Holochrysa", Phyllostachys aurea "Koi", Phyllostachys aureosulcata, Phyllostachys aureosulcata "Aureocaulis", Phyllostachys aureosulcata "Spectabilis", Phyllostachys bambusoides "Marliacea", Phyllostachys bambusoides "Subvariegata", Phyllostachys bissetii, Phyllostachys dulcis, Phyllostachys flexuosa, Phyllostachys glauca, Phyllostachys heteroclada, Phyllostachys humilis, Phyllostachys manii, Phyllostachys meyeri, Phyllostachys nidularia, Phyllostachys nigra, Phyllostachys nuda, Phyllostachys nuda "Localis", Phyllostachys pubescens "Heterocycla", Phyllostachys praecox, Phyllostachys praecox "Viridisulcata", Phyllostachys proprinqua, Phyllostachys rubromarginata, Pleioblastus gramineus, Pleioblastus hindsii, Pleioblastus linearis, Pseudosasa amabilis, Pseudosasa japonica, Pseudosasa japonica "Variegata", Pseudosasa japonica "Tsutsumiana", Semiarundinaria fastuosa, Semiarundinaria makinoi, Semiarundinaria okuboi, Semiarundinaria yashadake "Kimmei", Sinobambusa tootsik, Sinobambusa tootsik "Albovariegata", and Thamnocalamus tessellatus.
  • In Sappho and Alcaeus, the three basic metrical groups – u u – u – (dodrans or choriambo-cretic), – u u – (choriamb) and – u – (cretic) figure importantly, and groups are sometimes joined (in what is probably a Greek innovation) by a link anceps.
  • Epidendrum anceps, literally the "two-edged upon a tree," a species of epiphytic orchid in the genus Epidendrum, is sometimes known as the brown epidendrum or dingy-flowered epidendrum.
  • Asplenium azoricum is a fern from hybrid origin of the family Aspleniaceae, descendant of the Macaronesian ancestral fern Asplenium anceps.
  • The bug is occasionally able to complete its life cycle on other plants, including water paspalum (Paspalum repens), beaked panicgrass (Panicum anceps), and fire flag (Thalia geniculata), but this is rare.
  • Asplenium anceps is a diploid fern of family Aspleniaceae and one of the ancestors of the ferns that form the trichomanes complex.
  • Freshwater spirorchiids have been reported to infect the freshwater snails Helisoma trivolvis, Helisoma anceps, Physa sp.
  • The Ionic and Aeolic meters are closely related, as evidenced by the polyschematist unit x x — x — u u — (with x representing an anceps position that may be heavy or light).
  • The remains of dinosaurs and marine reptiles are known from the Ornatenton Formation alongside a rich invertebrate fauna including the oyster Gryphaea dilatata along with the ammonites Clydoniceras discus, Bullatimorphies bullatus, Macrocephalites gracilis, Reineckeia anceps, Erymnoceras coronatum, Peltoceras athleta, Quenstedtoceras lamberti, Quenstedtoceras mariae, and Cardioceras cordatum.
  • Threatened species were Euterpe edulis, Tabebuia cassinoides, Protium kleinii, Swartzia flaemingii, Lobelia anceps, Ocotea odorifera, Hibiscus bifurcatus, Brosimum glaziovii and Pharus latifolius.
  • In the above catalectic trimeter version, the 2nd and 3rd anceps syllables (x) are usually long (never both short), and the 3rd is almost always short.
  • The species pollinates, partly or exclusively, at least 20 species of Iridaceae (such as Lapeirousia anceps), Geraniaceae, and Orchidaceae.
  • Any long or anceps element, except at the line end or before the mid-point of a trochaic septenarius, can be resolved into two short syllables.

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