Anagramas & Información sobre | Palabra Inglés AONIA
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- Like most of the Greek islands, Euboea was known by other names in antiquity, such as Macris (Μάκρις) and Doliche (Δολίχη) from its elongated shape, or Ellopia (after Ellops the son of Ion), Aonia and Abantis from the tribes inhabiting it, or Ocha/Oche (Ὄχη), which is also the name of one of the highest mountains on the island.
- Nearby features include the craters Slipher to the north, Douglass to the east, and Coblentz to the southwest, the small mountain Aonia Mons to the west, and Aonia Planum to the southeast.
- The Thaumasia quadrangle contains many different regions or parts of many regions: Solis Planum, Icaria Planum, Aonia Terra, Aonia Planum, Bosporus Planum, and Thaumasia Planum.
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