Anagramas & Información sobre | Palabra Inglés CANTILS
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Ejemplos de uso de CANTILS en una oración
- In 1578, her brother-in-law, Henry Wotton (not to be confused with Sir Henry Wotton), the brother of her late second husband, published A Courtlie Controversie of Cupids Cantils containing five Tragicall Historyes by three Gentlemen and two Gentlewomen, a translation he had made from the French of a collection of Italian romance stories.
- moccasins, a genus of venomous vipers found in Central and North America than include, cantils, copperheads and cottonmouths.
- moccasins, a genus of venomous vipers found in Central and North America than include, cantils, copperheads and cottonmouths.
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